Why doesn't the modeling industry have a simple way in. I mean like ... you go to an audition or an interview, you fill out applications and a resum, you work from the ground up and gain the experience/ knowledge/ body-of-work needed to go further........
But no... nowadays, model-scouting is almost strictly done online. Therefore the percentage of assholes, whack-jobs and loonies is multiplied tenfold.
I was offered an opportunity a few weeks ago from an agent looking to scout me, but after my first web-cam meeting with this guy, he keeps telling me I should do PORN with my husband to pay for the stretch-mark surgery and to get my chest-tats removed..... Ummmmm..... My husband is not interested in anything but computers. He'd HATE working porn, or even modeling. That's why I don't push it. Plus, did models like Heidi, Tyra or Petra ever do porn? I think NOT!
it just pisses me off to have a seemingly reliable source start getting pushy and start calling me up all the time demanding another web-conference. I'd be lying if I told him I wasn't interested. But even though I checked his sources, he is acting VERY unprofessional. We even made an appointment for 8pm GMT, and he never showed. He is pissing me off, but I suppose that part of his attitude comes from the industry itself. But goddess help me, if he asks me to considder porn one more time, I'm dropping his ass and changing my number.
I've been playing a game called Second Life that my girlfriend got me into. If anyone is on there, look me up under "Never Munster" ..... I'm still working on the pics for my profile, but should have those done tonight or sometime this week at the latest.
Anyways, I'm around, but honestly don't know where to start now as far as getting ahold of everyone. Apologies.
But no... nowadays, model-scouting is almost strictly done online. Therefore the percentage of assholes, whack-jobs and loonies is multiplied tenfold.

I was offered an opportunity a few weeks ago from an agent looking to scout me, but after my first web-cam meeting with this guy, he keeps telling me I should do PORN with my husband to pay for the stretch-mark surgery and to get my chest-tats removed..... Ummmmm..... My husband is not interested in anything but computers. He'd HATE working porn, or even modeling. That's why I don't push it. Plus, did models like Heidi, Tyra or Petra ever do porn? I think NOT!

I've been playing a game called Second Life that my girlfriend got me into. If anyone is on there, look me up under "Never Munster" ..... I'm still working on the pics for my profile, but should have those done tonight or sometime this week at the latest.
Anyways, I'm around, but honestly don't know where to start now as far as getting ahold of everyone. Apologies.

I have been trying to sign up on second life for ages but the site always seems to be down.

I say ignore the stretch marks and leave the tattoos. And do the porn thing on here for fun if you feel like it, not to break into modeling. Unless you just want to. Someone's bound to not care. Or not. I don't. Good luck with that. I've never seen Second Life, except on tv. I've thought about getting WoW.