The link to my practice set in Hopefuls again...River - Practice Set
Please note that I said it was a PRACTICE set, not a SCS set. I've gotten several PMs telling me either how good or how BAD the set was. I tried explaining before. It is NOT SCS. It is also not a professionally shot set, and the lighting is really bad. The location also sucked. It was just an attempt by me to get in front of the camera more, and to practice facial expressions and poses, etc. For those who actually read this garbage, enjoy!
My trip to Nevada in October is full-tilt. I've got hotel reservations, a rental car reservation (although I can't imagine why it would cost nearly $500 to rent a mini-van for a week)... The airplane tickets were bought last week. All of the money I save between now and then is to play with! That means first thing I'm doing is going down to my friend Lisa and getting a CHRISTINA! Muahahaha.
My mother is going to fill up at least one of my SD cards with SG sets. I'd like to go out in the middle of the desert there and do a couple of runs. I love the way that the cracked earth and supple flesh look together. It'll be cold, but SO worth it if I get a good set out of the deal. Mom's great with a camera, but even better, she's obsessed with details. She'll snap a billion pictures, giving minor directions the whole time, just trying to get that perfect shot or two. My kind of woman! lmao
I'm getting so excited about going home. It's only for a few days thought.
Unfortunately we have to spend the first half of the trip in Wisconsin, visiting a bunch of uppety Catholic assholes who hate everything I stand for. AKA - Crash's family. I'm determined to wear tank-tops the whole time, so I can show off my tattoos better. And when they start talking about them, I'll take a walk out on the farm and contemplate mass homicide.
Seriously though, I've told Crash not to expect me to walk on eggshells just because the religious folks don't read their own gorram bible. They want to judge me, fine. But they will learn right quick to respect me.
The popular vote has it for my hair. I'll try going bright orange again. I don't think I'll mess with bleach this time though. I think I'll just put the real red on top of the color I have now, wash it out early, and see how it turns out. I've also got work to do on the cut still. I had Crash help with the back, but the rest hasn't gotten done yet because shit has gotten hectic. I'll try to make that a priority in the next couple of days. I want my hair really freaking bright and wild for the trip! Of course, I'll post pictures when I get it done.
Okay, well I guess that's all for now. I'll update later in the week if I can. If not, I'll talk to you guys Monday. I'm out of town this weekend, getting a little much needed R&R.
Please note that I said it was a PRACTICE set, not a SCS set. I've gotten several PMs telling me either how good or how BAD the set was. I tried explaining before. It is NOT SCS. It is also not a professionally shot set, and the lighting is really bad. The location also sucked. It was just an attempt by me to get in front of the camera more, and to practice facial expressions and poses, etc. For those who actually read this garbage, enjoy!
My trip to Nevada in October is full-tilt. I've got hotel reservations, a rental car reservation (although I can't imagine why it would cost nearly $500 to rent a mini-van for a week)... The airplane tickets were bought last week. All of the money I save between now and then is to play with! That means first thing I'm doing is going down to my friend Lisa and getting a CHRISTINA! Muahahaha.
My mother is going to fill up at least one of my SD cards with SG sets. I'd like to go out in the middle of the desert there and do a couple of runs. I love the way that the cracked earth and supple flesh look together. It'll be cold, but SO worth it if I get a good set out of the deal. Mom's great with a camera, but even better, she's obsessed with details. She'll snap a billion pictures, giving minor directions the whole time, just trying to get that perfect shot or two. My kind of woman! lmao
I'm getting so excited about going home. It's only for a few days thought.

The popular vote has it for my hair. I'll try going bright orange again. I don't think I'll mess with bleach this time though. I think I'll just put the real red on top of the color I have now, wash it out early, and see how it turns out. I've also got work to do on the cut still. I had Crash help with the back, but the rest hasn't gotten done yet because shit has gotten hectic. I'll try to make that a priority in the next couple of days. I want my hair really freaking bright and wild for the trip! Of course, I'll post pictures when I get it done.

Okay, well I guess that's all for now. I'll update later in the week if I can. If not, I'll talk to you guys Monday. I'm out of town this weekend, getting a little much needed R&R.

I actually lived in Carson City... the CAPITOL. lol.
But I forgive you.