I spent al day out at the SCA event. I realized this morning, much to my dismay, that not ONE of my authentic SCA or Living History costumes fits me! So I ended up wearing one of my old Amptgard costumes. All of the other people out there were viking-era and I was the ONE belly-dancer. lol. Sounds about right though.
I hate the sun. I am just TOO damn white to go outside during daylight hours. lol
Even wearing SPF 70 sunblock today, and staying in the shade as much as possible, I got a bit pink. When I say a bit, I mean, I'm as red as a lobster from the hips up. Thankfully my skirt kept my legs from getting much light. I am severely photosensitive anyways, but I am so pissed that I can't ever find sunblock that works for me.
Human emotion is a strange and wonderful thing. I am having a really good time right now though. i'm really happy. I've been getting emails from the sweetest guy ever. Everytime I get a message from him, my heart flutters. It's like I'm 16 again. *sigh* He absolutely made my day yesterday by sending me a poem. It got me writing again, which is a HUGE bonus. i've had a minor writer's block for months now. Only stuff i've been writing lately is shopping lists and blogs. lol
I'll write more tomorrow or Monday. For now, I'm off to bed so I can get up and go back to the SCA event tomorrow, followed by my friend's birthday party. Now that everyone is back from vacation, I'm much busier, but in a happier way.
musical_poet, badrobot, Jamie and Torgaddon, thanks a million for getting me through the last couple really crazy episodes.
I hate the sun. I am just TOO damn white to go outside during daylight hours. lol
Even wearing SPF 70 sunblock today, and staying in the shade as much as possible, I got a bit pink. When I say a bit, I mean, I'm as red as a lobster from the hips up. Thankfully my skirt kept my legs from getting much light. I am severely photosensitive anyways, but I am so pissed that I can't ever find sunblock that works for me.
Human emotion is a strange and wonderful thing. I am having a really good time right now though. i'm really happy. I've been getting emails from the sweetest guy ever. Everytime I get a message from him, my heart flutters. It's like I'm 16 again. *sigh* He absolutely made my day yesterday by sending me a poem. It got me writing again, which is a HUGE bonus. i've had a minor writer's block for months now. Only stuff i've been writing lately is shopping lists and blogs. lol
I'll write more tomorrow or Monday. For now, I'm off to bed so I can get up and go back to the SCA event tomorrow, followed by my friend's birthday party. Now that everyone is back from vacation, I'm much busier, but in a happier way.

musical_poet, badrobot, Jamie and Torgaddon, thanks a million for getting me through the last couple really crazy episodes.

for the record, anyone reading this - it's not be sending poetry, ok? 

No, badrobot's not sending me poetry. lmao