Not much going on except house-cleaning. And Allergies.
I've been cleaning like a madwoman the last couple of days. I'm trying to get everything picture-perfect and using my new DYSON to get up all the dust I can. Dust kills me. God, a few minutes ago I was almost so far gone I couldn't swallow my allergy pills! Thankfully I choked them down and now my swelling and sneezing are calming down.
Anyone else have hayfever? Don't you just DESPISE it!?
I gave up on the crutches, but I still wear my surgical shoe when I plan on doing any walking. Weird thing about my foot though. I got in with the podiatrist and saw the X-rays for myself, and aparently, the place my bone is broken is on the TOP of my foot. Not where I hit my foot, not where it hurts... I mean, it did hurt a LITTLE when he pushed directly on the bone, but nothing compared with the pain of my massive bone-bruising and strange swelling.
Well, I'm off for now. Got to get munchkins into pajamas.

I've been cleaning like a madwoman the last couple of days. I'm trying to get everything picture-perfect and using my new DYSON to get up all the dust I can. Dust kills me. God, a few minutes ago I was almost so far gone I couldn't swallow my allergy pills! Thankfully I choked them down and now my swelling and sneezing are calming down.
Anyone else have hayfever? Don't you just DESPISE it!?
I gave up on the crutches, but I still wear my surgical shoe when I plan on doing any walking. Weird thing about my foot though. I got in with the podiatrist and saw the X-rays for myself, and aparently, the place my bone is broken is on the TOP of my foot. Not where I hit my foot, not where it hurts... I mean, it did hurt a LITTLE when he pushed directly on the bone, but nothing compared with the pain of my massive bone-bruising and strange swelling.
Well, I'm off for now. Got to get munchkins into pajamas.

oh honey im sorry for th allegies, we all suffer too. the cabinet looks like a pharacy. and how do you like the dyson so far? i was thinking of getting one. half of the house is tile and that helps. and arent we getting married? huh...long comment. oops-vhott