I'm gettin' new ink on Saturday! I'm all excited. I'm getting my first Froud tattoo. One of his Frog ladies from the "Good Fairies/ Bad Fairies" book. I've been playing around with photoshop too, so I know exactly how I want it colored, where I want them (two identical frog-chicks facing eachother as the start of a chest-piece)... I've even sketched out a rough sketch of what the whole thing will look like. Anyways, here's a couple of my sketches and photoshop images. ... I'll definately be showing it off once it's all healed and pretty.
Original image cropped from the book
Rough sketch (before I decided on facing toward eachother)
Photoshop play-thingy. Forgive the crap quality
The actual coloring I'm hoping for, but a bit more flesh-tone/transparent on her human flashy areas.
So, whaddaya think?

Original image cropped from the book

Rough sketch (before I decided on facing toward eachother)

Photoshop play-thingy. Forgive the crap quality

The actual coloring I'm hoping for, but a bit more flesh-tone/transparent on her human flashy areas.

So, whaddaya think?

kool kool, im planning on getting some new tottoos soon
Pics to come soon I promise! I ended up in the chair for over 3 hours though, and was told it'd be between 1.5 and 2. ... Hurt alot more than my thigh piece, but worth it! I'll have to check the color and all that in a few days though, because she had a bit of trouble... my left side decided to bleed and swell a LOT more than my right side *shrug* Anywho... I'm happy as a clam right now. Still bandaged up an' greasy.