It's Friday and I still have no weekend plans. Well, other than the fact that I have to clean my car out and make my husband finish the mowing. lol
My kids have been under my skin since they got up this morning and it doesn't look like they're planning to stop anytime soon. We were outside a little while ago, since the sun came out and it got really nice. I slathered myself with another coat of sunscreen, smeared it all over the toddlers and took them out to play in the pool while I did some yard-work. I only got half of my backyard mowed today, but I got all of the watering done, pruned my rose-bush and braced the fallen bits skyward. Thing that takes me for-freakin'-ever to mow the yard is the fact that we have an old-fashioned push-type mower. Our Gas-powered one is on the fritz. But on the plus-side, it is definately a good workout.
Even with 2 thick coats of SPF-50 sunscreen, I feel really burned.
Then again, I am the girl who walked across a street fully clothed on an overcast day and ended up with a blistered back. Literally, I walked a grand total of 80-feet from one job interview to another, in long-sleeves, and ended up spending the whole night crying while my boyfriend and my mom took turns slathering Aloe and ice all over my blistered skin...
Definately not as bad as that, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out I was a few pretty shades of red. Hey, my back might even match my hair! lol
I've been making a list of everything I'm doing, as I do it, so that I can look back and see where I spent my time. I figure that it will either give me a sense of accomplishment or show me where I can improve. I always look back at my days and feel like I was running around like mad, but never got anything done.
TeeHee ...
Feeling much much better after my last shrink-appointment. She had some really helpful real-life ideas for me. Like physical things that might help me relieve stress, etc. For one, with my mother-in-law coming here (and being all religious & shit) She gave me the number of a catholic church nearby that actually has carpooling, so I can send my husband's mom to church without being dragged myself.
Also I know how much better I always felt when I was excercising all the time. That's part of why I've been mowing with thee manual mower and not worrying about fixing the gas-mower. When my mother-in-law is here, I'll be taking advantage of the oportunity and getting my ass in the gym at least 2 or 3 times a week.
Anywho... Lunch calls.
Hope y'all have a great weekend!
My kids have been under my skin since they got up this morning and it doesn't look like they're planning to stop anytime soon. We were outside a little while ago, since the sun came out and it got really nice. I slathered myself with another coat of sunscreen, smeared it all over the toddlers and took them out to play in the pool while I did some yard-work. I only got half of my backyard mowed today, but I got all of the watering done, pruned my rose-bush and braced the fallen bits skyward. Thing that takes me for-freakin'-ever to mow the yard is the fact that we have an old-fashioned push-type mower. Our Gas-powered one is on the fritz. But on the plus-side, it is definately a good workout.

Even with 2 thick coats of SPF-50 sunscreen, I feel really burned.

Then again, I am the girl who walked across a street fully clothed on an overcast day and ended up with a blistered back. Literally, I walked a grand total of 80-feet from one job interview to another, in long-sleeves, and ended up spending the whole night crying while my boyfriend and my mom took turns slathering Aloe and ice all over my blistered skin...

Definately not as bad as that, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out I was a few pretty shades of red. Hey, my back might even match my hair! lol

I've been making a list of everything I'm doing, as I do it, so that I can look back and see where I spent my time. I figure that it will either give me a sense of accomplishment or show me where I can improve. I always look back at my days and feel like I was running around like mad, but never got anything done.

Feeling much much better after my last shrink-appointment. She had some really helpful real-life ideas for me. Like physical things that might help me relieve stress, etc. For one, with my mother-in-law coming here (and being all religious & shit) She gave me the number of a catholic church nearby that actually has carpooling, so I can send my husband's mom to church without being dragged myself.

Also I know how much better I always felt when I was excercising all the time. That's part of why I've been mowing with thee manual mower and not worrying about fixing the gas-mower. When my mother-in-law is here, I'll be taking advantage of the oportunity and getting my ass in the gym at least 2 or 3 times a week.
Anywho... Lunch calls.

Hope y'all have a great weekend!
hehe hun have a kick ass weekend...and hugs!