Okay, rant-fest part deux...
On top of all of the crap I had going on in my head yesterday, very early this morning, I found out that my brother, who is barely 15, is about to become a daddy.........
His ex-girlfriend thinks she's abot 4-months along. She's a total slag and has tried everything she could to ruin my poor brother's life. She has said that if the baby is his she is going to just give it to her mother. Believe me, that is a fate worse than death! Her mother, who she is now living with, was boucing up and down excited that her 14-year-old daughter is pregnant. She also has been trying to get her daughter to date several older men, has been buying her cigarettes for years... and I don't even know how or why she's even IN her daughter's life now, because right after getting out of the hospital she abandoned her with her father and only showed back up when she was 7 or 8, and only off and on since then. Is this the kind of person you'd want raising another baby? HELL NO!
If my brother turns out to be the father, he is taking her to court for full custody. The problem with that is, by the time the baby is born he'll be a 15-year old sophomore in highschool. Regardless of if he has a job or not, there's no court in the world who'd give him custody of a child, regardless of biology...
I have offered to raise the baby and still allow my brother to be in her life, and I know that my stable family life will give our side a much better shot in court. But I don't want to end up fighting my stubborn, naeve brother in court for custody of his own child later on. I can't believe he was such an idiot after seeing everything I went through with relationships, emotional breakdowns and kids... I know we all have to make our own mistakes, but it's reallyu hard seeing someone you care so much about making the same mistakes you did, or worse... taking the fast-track to self-destruction.
My grandparents are cut off. I can't believe how badly they're treating my folks. When they went to evict them, they took my mom's big sister as back-up in case there was "trouble"... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? On top of that, they've offered to let my parents stay temporarily in another home they own... but there are several problems with that. For one, it's a condemned building! My mother is supposed to go in for yet another cancer-surgery in 2 weeks, and has to be moved into a condemned building within that 2 weeks, and of course the assholes aren't offering any help or sympathy. I guess they figured I was going to be irate at them because my grandmother (who calls me for every mundane holiday) didn't call me at all for my birthday. I have started writing a long-ass letter asking them how they could treat my family as horribly as they always have, and telling them precisely what I think of them. I don't care if they dis-inherit me. It's not like they're rich or anything. In fact I don't think my grandfather has filed federal income tax since the 80s...
On top of all of the stuff going on in my head, I have to file an affidavit for my friend Chris's custody hearing. I can't focus on writing it. I promised I'd give it to him last week, but I haven't even sat down to finish typing it yet. *sigh*
On top of all of the crap I had going on in my head yesterday, very early this morning, I found out that my brother, who is barely 15, is about to become a daddy.........
His ex-girlfriend thinks she's abot 4-months along. She's a total slag and has tried everything she could to ruin my poor brother's life. She has said that if the baby is his she is going to just give it to her mother. Believe me, that is a fate worse than death! Her mother, who she is now living with, was boucing up and down excited that her 14-year-old daughter is pregnant. She also has been trying to get her daughter to date several older men, has been buying her cigarettes for years... and I don't even know how or why she's even IN her daughter's life now, because right after getting out of the hospital she abandoned her with her father and only showed back up when she was 7 or 8, and only off and on since then. Is this the kind of person you'd want raising another baby? HELL NO!
If my brother turns out to be the father, he is taking her to court for full custody. The problem with that is, by the time the baby is born he'll be a 15-year old sophomore in highschool. Regardless of if he has a job or not, there's no court in the world who'd give him custody of a child, regardless of biology...
I have offered to raise the baby and still allow my brother to be in her life, and I know that my stable family life will give our side a much better shot in court. But I don't want to end up fighting my stubborn, naeve brother in court for custody of his own child later on. I can't believe he was such an idiot after seeing everything I went through with relationships, emotional breakdowns and kids... I know we all have to make our own mistakes, but it's reallyu hard seeing someone you care so much about making the same mistakes you did, or worse... taking the fast-track to self-destruction.
My grandparents are cut off. I can't believe how badly they're treating my folks. When they went to evict them, they took my mom's big sister as back-up in case there was "trouble"... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? On top of that, they've offered to let my parents stay temporarily in another home they own... but there are several problems with that. For one, it's a condemned building! My mother is supposed to go in for yet another cancer-surgery in 2 weeks, and has to be moved into a condemned building within that 2 weeks, and of course the assholes aren't offering any help or sympathy. I guess they figured I was going to be irate at them because my grandmother (who calls me for every mundane holiday) didn't call me at all for my birthday. I have started writing a long-ass letter asking them how they could treat my family as horribly as they always have, and telling them precisely what I think of them. I don't care if they dis-inherit me. It's not like they're rich or anything. In fact I don't think my grandfather has filed federal income tax since the 80s...

On top of all of the stuff going on in my head, I have to file an affidavit for my friend Chris's custody hearing. I can't focus on writing it. I promised I'd give it to him last week, but I haven't even sat down to finish typing it yet. *sigh*
Rant part-deux over. lmao
Hey, at least I've got a place to rant where I don't have to worry about what I say or who is going to find out I said it! It really does help. Thanks again guys!
Best of luck.