I finally found a pair of stainless barber-sheers! I am so psyched! Now I don't have to trust some ass-hat who doesn't know what the hell they're doing to cut my prescious hair! lol
I'm cutting it and touching up the dye this afternoon. I am so glad I found the scissors! Yay Allie!
I've got in contact with a few other photographers, so hopefully I'll get alot more work and a few more SG shoots in over the summer months, while the weather is nice.
The wind here in East Anglia is ASS, you guys! If someone had told me I was going to move somewhere just as windy as my hometown I would have scowled at them defiantly and been my normal livid self... Of course I had no real choice in moving here at the time, so that would have been the extent of it.
I'm fixing my nails and giving myself a proper Pedi later too. Probably should wait until Thursday for the nails though. With 3 kids it's hard to keep your nails from breaking off or the color from chipping, so I think it's best that I wait as long as I can. I'll at least wait until they're in bed tonight though.
I started making my own dreads out of wool on Sunday. I've got 6 finished (3 double-ended) and I am really liking how they're turning out.
I've got them so that they're completely removable and I can put them in when I go out or something, and I don't have to cut them out or anything. They may not look professional or natural, but it's a first attempt and with very little as far as materials. I don't have a proper art store at my disposal, otherwise I'd be doing alot more with them. All I can really do is twist 'em, dye em and I'm using rubberbands to secure them in. If I used pins I'm sure it'd look better. Once I get a whole set made up the way I want 'em I'll post pictures. Right now, they're hip-length on me. So I think they'd probably come to a normal person's ass! (I'm an Amazon!)
My allergies are KILLING me.
My meds are helping but they're not enough. I don't want to go to my doctor because he's a self-righteous ass-hole who never listens to a word I say. I come in for strep throat. I know it's strep, right? Then he somehow down the line decides I have a bladder infection.
Granted, I get those alot, but it's not going to cause a sore throat! Also, I went in for my severe migrains, and the pharmacy doesn't have the med for those he wanted to give me, so he tells me that my facial piercings are causing it. Sorry, but I've had migraines since I was a toddler! At least he had given me Darvocet too...
Pain pills that strong will almost make you forget what an ignorant ass your doctor really is. l became aware that military doctors are usually NOT actual doctors who went through medical school. They're usually officers sent through a 8-month course on medical procedure. So, now knowing who the REAL doctors are at that hospital, I am changing PCMs before I go in for anything else.
So, my list of SG names are at this point nomore than a nuissance. Everyone votes differently, and some people don't even choose from my list, they just add what THEY think would fit me, and 98% of the time, that name is either taken or STUPID... Maybe they're trying to tell me something
Oh well. Less than a week and I'm not 100% happy with my preparations. I couldn't find a piercing shop that was actually open when I had money on me, so replacing my lost captives and my traegus ring is kinda out of the question unless "Grin N Wear It" is open tomorrow afternoon or Thursday. Oh well. It's not like there's going to be tons of focus on my ears I suppose. Nevertheless, I do want to get those replaced as soon as I can. I'm going nuts with "trailer-park jewelry" lol. God, now all I'm missing is the duct-tape and a pug-dog named Killer... Oh, and a mullet. lmao
I'm cutting it and touching up the dye this afternoon. I am so glad I found the scissors! Yay Allie!
I've got in contact with a few other photographers, so hopefully I'll get alot more work and a few more SG shoots in over the summer months, while the weather is nice.
The wind here in East Anglia is ASS, you guys! If someone had told me I was going to move somewhere just as windy as my hometown I would have scowled at them defiantly and been my normal livid self... Of course I had no real choice in moving here at the time, so that would have been the extent of it.
I'm fixing my nails and giving myself a proper Pedi later too. Probably should wait until Thursday for the nails though. With 3 kids it's hard to keep your nails from breaking off or the color from chipping, so I think it's best that I wait as long as I can. I'll at least wait until they're in bed tonight though.
I started making my own dreads out of wool on Sunday. I've got 6 finished (3 double-ended) and I am really liking how they're turning out.

My allergies are KILLING me.

So, my list of SG names are at this point nomore than a nuissance. Everyone votes differently, and some people don't even choose from my list, they just add what THEY think would fit me, and 98% of the time, that name is either taken or STUPID... Maybe they're trying to tell me something

Oh well. Less than a week and I'm not 100% happy with my preparations. I couldn't find a piercing shop that was actually open when I had money on me, so replacing my lost captives and my traegus ring is kinda out of the question unless "Grin N Wear It" is open tomorrow afternoon or Thursday. Oh well. It's not like there's going to be tons of focus on my ears I suppose. Nevertheless, I do want to get those replaced as soon as I can. I'm going nuts with "trailer-park jewelry" lol. God, now all I'm missing is the duct-tape and a pug-dog named Killer... Oh, and a mullet. lmao
hehheehehe!!!! i cant wait to see this set!!!!!!!! the dreads would look good on you **but then again anything on you would look great!!!!*** alllergies suck the big one!!! im so glad i dont suffer anymore with them. you know the name i think you should take. seriously i think its perfect but then again thats only my humble opinion
well lots of luv to you my dearest!!!

Best of luck on the new photo shoots... I'll be looking forward to the day when (not if) you turn pink!