Yay! Finally got the name change to work! Not exactly what I wanted, but whatever.
When I get formally accepted as an SG, I've been putting alot of thought into my name. Since there's a Limbo girl with a name only one letter off from my "real" name, I decided it would be better if I chose something really different from someone else. So, here's a list of some that I've come up with. Let me know what you think fits me best, what you like the most, or any suggestions you might have.
Also, maybe I do put too much stock into names (as many people have accused me of lately) but Here's the reasons for the names themselves next to them. Some just sounded cool to me, so they're unexplained. Let me know. Maybe I'll let my friends choose my name by popular vote.
When I get formally accepted as an SG, I've been putting alot of thought into my name. Since there's a Limbo girl with a name only one letter off from my "real" name, I decided it would be better if I chose something really different from someone else. So, here's a list of some that I've come up with. Let me know what you think fits me best, what you like the most, or any suggestions you might have.

Also, maybe I do put too much stock into names (as many people have accused me of lately) but Here's the reasons for the names themselves next to them. Some just sounded cool to me, so they're unexplained. Let me know. Maybe I'll let my friends choose my name by popular vote.

- Azrael
- Azzy
- Aphrodite
- Bitter
- Chaos
- Christian
- Corvix
- Envy
- Enigma
- Irony
- Livid
- Labyrinth
- Lorrik
- Morbid
- Mortal
- Ozzy
- Patience
- Phoenix
- Pseudo
- Raven
- River
- Sabbath
- Silence
- Wicca
- Zen
- Christian mythology/Dogma places Azrael as one of the highest of the arch-angels, just below Lucifer and
MiChael. It is also the name of one of my best friends, whom I owe much more than my life.
- Short for Azrael, but has a ring to it as well (2-syllable-words are nifty)
- Greek mythos, and one of my favorite journalists's name is Aphrodite Jones.
- sounded neat, but I also am to an extent.
- Pretty obvious meaning. It was going to be the name of my second daughter, who I miscarried in the
- Part of the Latin name for the Raven... Corvix Corax
- One of my favorite words in the English language.

- Favorite movie of all time. Also like the mythos, etc
- One of the most beautiful names I've ever heard... also the man who I'd call my true-love, and the one who
really made me who I am (if it could be pinned on any one person that is... ). He also taught me more about
pain than I thought one soul could take. I regret nothing, yet it isn't possible for us to ever be together. He is
both the one who got away, and the one who saved me from myself. He is the reason my husband and I
have stayed married, and the person who taught me the true feeling of a broken heart... I could write
volumes on who and what Lorrik was for me. ... it was a name that I helped create as well. Not his
biological one. .... Rant over. Let's continue, shall we?
- I'm a huge Ozzy Osbourne fan.

- The mythos reflects greatly on my life in the last couple of years, and I hope to make it a tattoo in the near
future. May bug my hubby a little bit because it's also my youngest-son's middle name for the same reasons.
I don't see a problem there, and he can get over it if this is what I decide to use.

- Means false or pretend. With suicide surname sounded nifty.
- Always liked the name. Even more so after Firefly and Serenity came out. People say if I was a Firefly
character, it'd be a love-child between her and Kaylee.

- Did I mention I am a huge ozzy fan?
- Loved the name immediately when I heard it in History class in elementary school. Ben Franklin (who I'm
directly related to) Used the pen-name Silence Doogooder when he sent secret letters and complaints to
government officials. It also goes well with the "suicide"surname I think. *shrug*
- Not my religion of choice. In fact I am ANTI religion as a whole, but it has had a big affect on my life, and I like
the sound of the word. All of my children's names have religious meanings (in one form or another) and if I
had more kids, this might make it's way into the grab-bag of names.
- Zen is my middle child's name, but I like the name alot, so same thing as Phoenix I guess.

The rest of the names I really liked are either taken by an SG, a limbo-girl or another hopeful who I've talked to. If need be, I can look some more and do more research. I'd like to portray my Irish heritige, my personality or something important to my own life, or at least have something that sounds fuckin' cool!
Psuedo Suicide would be the coolest name in history. That gets my vote.

Chaos is the one I like best, that has a nice ring to it.