Mother-in-law wants to come visit.
Didn't I move overseas so that WOULDN'T happen?
Ever sick of her religiosity, her holier-than-thou routine, her "I'm a better cook and a nicer human being then you, and my son is some kind of gift from god directly to poor pathetic you" bullschtick...
Thing is, hubby won't be here, so I do need the help. After all, I'm not medicated and the kids are going to drive me nuts within a week without her. I guess we'll just have to see which one drives me crazy first... The toddlers or my catholic mom-in-law.
I'm torn between the usual thoughts of keeping the peace and finally giving in and letting her see who her son and I truly are. My 15 visible piercings have bothered her for years (not the ears I guess...) , but add to it the tattoo I got last fall, the way I normally dress, the people I normally hang out with, my music and the copious amounts of time I spend HERE... She'll be praying for my immortal soul before she even says hello! lmao
Thing is, she tries so hard to be respectful and accepting. She will drag me to mass at least once a week (every day if she could help it), but she'll also help with the grandkids, the housework, and she loves babysitting, so maybe I'll get to go out a couple times! Origionally she offered to let me spend the 2 months with my husband in Greece. That was SO sweet that it almost makes me forget to hate her just a little bit! But with my babies being so young, and my husband going to Greece for work, I really didn't think t would be a good idea.
Half of me wants to say "thank you but no thank you" and rely on my close friends for help. It would mean no going out, but no being dragged to church at god-aweful hours of the morning. It would mean either wearing jeans and blouses or fighting/putting up with complaints about the "immodest" and "depressing" clothes that I normally wear. I'm not sure if I'll be able to stay cheerful whilst under a constant bombardment for close to 8 weeks! Hell, boot-camp aint that long!

Ever sick of her religiosity, her holier-than-thou routine, her "I'm a better cook and a nicer human being then you, and my son is some kind of gift from god directly to poor pathetic you" bullschtick...
Thing is, hubby won't be here, so I do need the help. After all, I'm not medicated and the kids are going to drive me nuts within a week without her. I guess we'll just have to see which one drives me crazy first... The toddlers or my catholic mom-in-law.
I'm torn between the usual thoughts of keeping the peace and finally giving in and letting her see who her son and I truly are. My 15 visible piercings have bothered her for years (not the ears I guess...) , but add to it the tattoo I got last fall, the way I normally dress, the people I normally hang out with, my music and the copious amounts of time I spend HERE... She'll be praying for my immortal soul before she even says hello! lmao
Thing is, she tries so hard to be respectful and accepting. She will drag me to mass at least once a week (every day if she could help it), but she'll also help with the grandkids, the housework, and she loves babysitting, so maybe I'll get to go out a couple times! Origionally she offered to let me spend the 2 months with my husband in Greece. That was SO sweet that it almost makes me forget to hate her just a little bit! But with my babies being so young, and my husband going to Greece for work, I really didn't think t would be a good idea.
Half of me wants to say "thank you but no thank you" and rely on my close friends for help. It would mean no going out, but no being dragged to church at god-aweful hours of the morning. It would mean either wearing jeans and blouses or fighting/putting up with complaints about the "immodest" and "depressing" clothes that I normally wear. I'm not sure if I'll be able to stay cheerful whilst under a constant bombardment for close to 8 weeks! Hell, boot-camp aint that long!
When my mom became a born-again Christian 13 years ago, she forced me to attend church, it was like a 4 and a half ordeal that I hate Sundays. If you're living under her roof, it is mandatory to attend church with her, you don't have a damn choice but go. I love my mom but our beliefs our different.