This week has Sucked ass you guys!
Between SG remodeling and the computer acting all slow, I haven't been able to get much of anything done! I still can't edit my pictures or even see the albums. I also haven't gotten to look at anone else's
Hubby's birthday went poorly. I just wish we could have done SOMETHING, ya know? It looks like the weekend of the 21st we should be able to have a small party.
The plane that was supposed to take off this week had a transformer EXPLODE on my husband. Thankfully he was able to dodge it or else he might be laid up in the hospital for shrapnal! Some fucking moron turned off the air-cooler machine for the transformer while he was running an ops check. He wouldn't have to work today, except for because that part blew up, he has to now replace it. It sucks being the only guy qualified on Electric in his squad, who isn't deployed. And on that note, we just discovered he will not only miss our anniversary this year (again), but he's also going to miss our youngest son's 1st birthday.
They couldn't have had him deploy before, or after, could they?
I've got a DR. Appt for Luna tomorrow to have her rashes checked out, but I think I already know what they are. It looks like she's got either warts or herpes. People always assume when yuou say "herpes" that you're talking about an STD! No, it's a bacterial infection, and you can get it from bath water! She's in so much pain, and I hate to have her poked and prodded again, but we've GOT to get this "rash" to go away! Kids just can't stay fucking healthy can they?
We've set a date for our trip home to the states. October 25th we fly out of here and we'll be back the 7th or 8th of Nov. I'm all psyched about it. We're going to the Londod Tattoo convention on the 3rd and 4th (think that's the right dates...) and then we get to have Halloween with my family.
We'll also miss the "holiday rush" , which will make traveling less obnoxious.
The last couple nights I've gone to bed about 4am, and my damn kids won't slkeep past sun-up no matter how late I put them down. I'm getting close to no sleep and it's not helping my bipolar shit. I don't ever want to get out of bed, except to sometimes eat or shower.
At least I've got SG and my music to motivate me a little.
I agree with some of the posts about the lack of viewability... I think we should all get a free month for this crap they've pulled! It's not going to happen I'm sure, but it's a nice thought.
Till next rant...
Between SG remodeling and the computer acting all slow, I haven't been able to get much of anything done! I still can't edit my pictures or even see the albums. I also haven't gotten to look at anone else's

Hubby's birthday went poorly. I just wish we could have done SOMETHING, ya know? It looks like the weekend of the 21st we should be able to have a small party.
The plane that was supposed to take off this week had a transformer EXPLODE on my husband. Thankfully he was able to dodge it or else he might be laid up in the hospital for shrapnal! Some fucking moron turned off the air-cooler machine for the transformer while he was running an ops check. He wouldn't have to work today, except for because that part blew up, he has to now replace it. It sucks being the only guy qualified on Electric in his squad, who isn't deployed. And on that note, we just discovered he will not only miss our anniversary this year (again), but he's also going to miss our youngest son's 1st birthday.

I've got a DR. Appt for Luna tomorrow to have her rashes checked out, but I think I already know what they are. It looks like she's got either warts or herpes. People always assume when yuou say "herpes" that you're talking about an STD! No, it's a bacterial infection, and you can get it from bath water! She's in so much pain, and I hate to have her poked and prodded again, but we've GOT to get this "rash" to go away! Kids just can't stay fucking healthy can they?

We've set a date for our trip home to the states. October 25th we fly out of here and we'll be back the 7th or 8th of Nov. I'm all psyched about it. We're going to the Londod Tattoo convention on the 3rd and 4th (think that's the right dates...) and then we get to have Halloween with my family.

The last couple nights I've gone to bed about 4am, and my damn kids won't slkeep past sun-up no matter how late I put them down. I'm getting close to no sleep and it's not helping my bipolar shit. I don't ever want to get out of bed, except to sometimes eat or shower.

I agree with some of the posts about the lack of viewability... I think we should all get a free month for this crap they've pulled! It's not going to happen I'm sure, but it's a nice thought.
Till next rant...