It's FRIDAY muthafuckas! lmao. Okay, so I've been bored and cranky all week, but this weekend we are POSSIBLY going to see and hang-out with Voltaire. He's got 2 shows, and the one in London we were going to go to is probably a no-go now. But He's also got a show Saturday waythefuck up in Liverpool, and my husband is trying to find a way to take me up there. If it doesn't work out, maybe we can still go to the Tattoo-expo in Leeds on Sunday, but it depends on travel-time. He's got to work Monday.
but at least he doesn't have to be in until 3pm... I don't know what the plan is, but I'm clammering to have some SERIOUS fun this weekend.
Wednesday, I got a shot out of left field... my friend's husband is cheating on her with some "dorm-ho" type chick from the states. He told her he never found her attractive and tried to sneak her and their kids out of the country. Now, he's a military guy too, so he's just gotten himself into a HEAP of trouble, and my friend was married to him for over 10 years, so she gets half of everything. He's probably in for an Article-15 if not a full-on Court-marshall. That could mean not only a boot from the military (which will quickly turn his new slut against him) but he could get criminal charges and maybe jail time. All for telling his wife she was a fat slob and that he was fucking someone else. Yeah, I think we're throwing him a "blanket party" later! lol
If Dan ever did something like that to me, I'd clear out our joint accounts, fly to the states with the kids and file for divorce. And depending on how much of an ass he was, I'd have to see just how much damage I could do to his career (and his pocket-book. lol). See, Dan's not that dumb, but he's got a life-insurance policy that makes it seem so much easier to stay by him and pretend everything is okay... until...
"Oh my God, officer! Who would do such a thing... no, I have no IDEA how arsenic got into his coffee..."
I love my husband

Wednesday, I got a shot out of left field... my friend's husband is cheating on her with some "dorm-ho" type chick from the states. He told her he never found her attractive and tried to sneak her and their kids out of the country. Now, he's a military guy too, so he's just gotten himself into a HEAP of trouble, and my friend was married to him for over 10 years, so she gets half of everything. He's probably in for an Article-15 if not a full-on Court-marshall. That could mean not only a boot from the military (which will quickly turn his new slut against him) but he could get criminal charges and maybe jail time. All for telling his wife she was a fat slob and that he was fucking someone else. Yeah, I think we're throwing him a "blanket party" later! lol
If Dan ever did something like that to me, I'd clear out our joint accounts, fly to the states with the kids and file for divorce. And depending on how much of an ass he was, I'd have to see just how much damage I could do to his career (and his pocket-book. lol). See, Dan's not that dumb, but he's got a life-insurance policy that makes it seem so much easier to stay by him and pretend everything is okay... until...
"Oh my God, officer! Who would do such a thing... no, I have no IDEA how arsenic got into his coffee..."

I love my husband