Dreary Mondays...
At least the weather's nicer!
I'm prepping to do a set in the next few weeks *fingers crossed* and about HALF my ideas might be acceptable. :p It's okay, I've got them by the hundreds. It's just location issues I'm having. Anybody willing to lend me a swimming pool?
No? Oh well... Back to the drawing board.
I'm having issues with facial expressions. The ones I use daily aren't flattering to my features or some crap. I've definately got the "looking through my eyebrows" thing covered. It's about the only one I know how to do that looks any good on me. Bleh. I want to show off my piercings, but sticking your tongue out hardly ever looks good in a set. And I can't smile to save my life. Not "pretty" anyways.
Getting alot of shitty feedback from a couple of barely-experienced "holier-than-thou" SGs (not to name anyone). I explained I wasn't posting a SET, just some pics of me to get feedback on what I might need to work on, and all I hear is "you weren't even trying" and crap like that. No shit I wasn't trying. I TOLD you I wanted feedback on what someone with my features might try and accentuate or downplay. It doesn't help that my hubby prefers me in PJs without makeup and with a grungy tomboy aire. yuck.
The trend report is still confusing and upsetting. Playing with my hair is 80% of my fun! And I've grown it out for nearly 4 years now, just to get it past my shoulders. Now, I'm really thinking about dying it again, since my roots are hideous, and the newest report says NOT to do funky colors and stuff... Isn't that HALF the appeal of the girls, that they're part of the "alternative" lifestyles? I dunno. I don't have a size-1 smoking body, so I have to play up MORE of my personality, not less!
I've got to journal out on paper some of my ideas so they're more solid to photographers too. I've got loads of them but when someone asks for my ideas, I go blank. It's like I'm a deer in headlights (forgive the cliche). Being an SG is REALLY important to me, but I'm not about to change who I am, or even how I look, just to get taken seriously. It's BS. I have litterally NO locations available aside from my tiny bedroom either, except what the photographers have, or I can find, and get permission for, from the UK's govt. :p
I'm sure it'll all work out if I just work at it and keep trying. It's not like I've been rejected or anything. I've been accepted to be a hopeful (back in October '06) so I can't be THAT bad. lol. And I'm determined and confident. Although it'd be nice if I KNEW the photographer before my first set was taken, so I could be a bit more comfortable. I get nervous when I'm on the spot and tend to melt into the background. Unintentionally, of course. Oh well, if this doesn't pan out, I'm sure I can get into Playboy. lol J/k ... not interested really.
Anywho... kids, chores and possibly a book calling my name...
At least the weather's nicer!

I'm prepping to do a set in the next few weeks *fingers crossed* and about HALF my ideas might be acceptable. :p It's okay, I've got them by the hundreds. It's just location issues I'm having. Anybody willing to lend me a swimming pool?

I'm having issues with facial expressions. The ones I use daily aren't flattering to my features or some crap. I've definately got the "looking through my eyebrows" thing covered. It's about the only one I know how to do that looks any good on me. Bleh. I want to show off my piercings, but sticking your tongue out hardly ever looks good in a set. And I can't smile to save my life. Not "pretty" anyways.
Getting alot of shitty feedback from a couple of barely-experienced "holier-than-thou" SGs (not to name anyone). I explained I wasn't posting a SET, just some pics of me to get feedback on what I might need to work on, and all I hear is "you weren't even trying" and crap like that. No shit I wasn't trying. I TOLD you I wanted feedback on what someone with my features might try and accentuate or downplay. It doesn't help that my hubby prefers me in PJs without makeup and with a grungy tomboy aire. yuck.
The trend report is still confusing and upsetting. Playing with my hair is 80% of my fun! And I've grown it out for nearly 4 years now, just to get it past my shoulders. Now, I'm really thinking about dying it again, since my roots are hideous, and the newest report says NOT to do funky colors and stuff... Isn't that HALF the appeal of the girls, that they're part of the "alternative" lifestyles? I dunno. I don't have a size-1 smoking body, so I have to play up MORE of my personality, not less!
I've got to journal out on paper some of my ideas so they're more solid to photographers too. I've got loads of them but when someone asks for my ideas, I go blank. It's like I'm a deer in headlights (forgive the cliche). Being an SG is REALLY important to me, but I'm not about to change who I am, or even how I look, just to get taken seriously. It's BS. I have litterally NO locations available aside from my tiny bedroom either, except what the photographers have, or I can find, and get permission for, from the UK's govt. :p
I'm sure it'll all work out if I just work at it and keep trying. It's not like I've been rejected or anything. I've been accepted to be a hopeful (back in October '06) so I can't be THAT bad. lol. And I'm determined and confident. Although it'd be nice if I KNEW the photographer before my first set was taken, so I could be a bit more comfortable. I get nervous when I'm on the spot and tend to melt into the background. Unintentionally, of course. Oh well, if this doesn't pan out, I'm sure I can get into Playboy. lol J/k ... not interested really.
Anywho... kids, chores and possibly a book calling my name...

awww thank you you described it perfectly!