So it has been awhile. Got a month free so why not??

My baby boy Mason was born stillborn April 10th 2010... words cant even describe how i am feeling so i am not even going to bother...
I'm so very sorry. frown
I feel like my world is ending...........they found some things wrong on my ultra sound on Friday I go for test tuesday....
Thanks eveyone who talked to mekiss How was everyones weekend?
rather than just talking, we should hang out sometime. whaddya say? smile
hey der biggrin

wat have u been up to? xx
No one really talks to me on here how sadblackeyed
it's more of a typing thing than talking... well, unless you have a speech to text program that just rocks.

what's new with you?
hey np...im new to this so jst tryin to interact wif pplz...so wats up? x
So someone sent me a free activation for the next three months I am sure the site did it itself..who knows anyway...so I moved back home Husband turned out to be crazy!!!!!like cops being called him being taken away by them holes in walls kind of crazy!!!!So I am back with mom and dad. Unemployed becuase ass face talked me into quitting my job right...
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dang, sounds like things took a turn for the worse for ya. try to stay optimistic!
maybe going away for awhile because of lack of funds but ill be back you can find me on myspace address is the same as my name but with myspace in it skull till then see ya later

sg will likely offer a reduced rate after a couple of days. smile
I have been in that boat before it is not fun at all I am sorry to hear you are going through it too.
goin to florida in september to see adam (aka shudder when he was on the site) and his girl liz i am super excited biggrin kiss
thats awesome. so what have you been up to these days? we need to hang out!
Thanks I am excited for me too! biggrin
Guess whos back and wants to play..... anyone one interested
well welcome back stranger. whats new with you these days?
wow I need to update more often.....more to come later....
indeed....how is life treatin you cuteness?smile

ARRR!!! skull ARRR!!!
yes you do, but i cant say much cause i need to do the same!

hows life treating ya?
i tried to put a picture of my new tattoo but it wont let me frown its in my attachments i got swallows and they are pretty
love love love love
That tattoos so gorgeous!

I can't wait to get my ink done. Sigh...in March!

I miss you too and I hope you are well. Hang in there.
kiss kiss kiss kiss

hope things are getting better smile
alright soo things have been quite rough lately I havent been well physically and most of all emotionally.... Christmas had some depressing moments but i wont get into to that too long and i want to make this entry short and bitter... soo my psych doc is an ASS which is now why he is now my EX psych doc.... I have been having many...
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so... are you currently on 2 benzodiazepines or 1? is the klonopin replacing the xanax even though the xanax worked in the past?

your doctor sounds like a shitty bartender. the whole scratching your appointment today when you are feeling "crazy" is not nice. i think they do that entirely to avoid contact with any hostility or desperation. maybe if he just listened to you in the first place, you wouldn't have this problem.

drive safely. and keep track and release your records so you don't ever lose track of the process of this ordeal. hope you start feeling better soon.... :hugs:
Hey hon,

I'm sorry you've been having so many troubles lately. And seriously I can relate (my self destructive exploits and chronic struggles with the mental health establishment are well known whatever blackeyed )

I know it seems like it will never end but if you can get a halfway decent doc who will listen to you, they can fine tune the meds faster and get you on your way out of hell. Seriously, you have to stand up for yourself, which can seem hard because many docs act like "you're crazy and I'm the expert and I know everything." But they don't. And if you're gonna be stuck in a trial and error system you want to be sure that the person in charge of the trial actually listens and reacts to what's happening in your life. Sometimes it helps to write down the symptoms you're having so you can be sure not to forget anything. And if something gets really wonky, hound them. Waiting for the next monthly visit while stuck in something unbearable should always be a last resort. (Unfortunately it cannot always be avoided...as I'm finding out when no one wants to help me because I moved and don't officially have a doctor in town yet. Meanwhile I'm having unbearable symptoms mad.)
Seriously if your family doc will help up godspeed (mine won't. some won't. grrrrrr)

I know how hard it is to hear that you have to wait while the meds start to become active, but it is true that you will get through it. There is another side to it, I promise. It may FEEL like there isn't but there is.

Take care of yourself and hang in there. If you really need to vent you can PM me. I can't promise I'll get back right away (it might be a day or two) but trust me I've been there for 9 years so I've seen a lot of this stuff and I have a pretty good capacity to listen and give what advice is possible.

I send you tons and tons of hugs!
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss