
I've been on the prowl for a kick ass photographer. I need one TERRIBLY!!!! Why is it that when you do not think twice about it, whatever you're NOT looking for is EVERYWHERE, but when you look for whatever that is, it's not? Oh well. That just means I'll end up with a KICK ASS one later!

xoxo Ry
when is your set going live lover?
So, it's been about a year since I first started toying with the idea of the Suicide Girls. I sent in some pics, got an answer and they told me they thought I'd be great. But then, of course, me being my usual indecisive self, decided, "Hey, people are going to think this, that and the other about me." Alright, well, FINALLY, I said fuck...
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Dont let it get you down. A lot of girls are being rejected lately because its just getting too full. Definitely keep trying!
Hey thanks. That's what I figured, but, nonetheless, I will keep trying!!