hey people,
whats been going on SG? i have noticed that alot of the models are leaving. Well i did a little detective work and i found the website that some of them are going to. If anyone wants to know what it is leave me a comment on my journal and i will send it to you. I dont want to post the website's name cause i dont want anyone to think that i am endorsing the website or anything. It sucks that we are losing some of the great sg models, such as apnea, shera and katie to name a few. I know for sure that Apnea and Katie are on the new website cause i went to apneas website and i found out about the new website. It is bassically a blatant rip off of SG and i do not support it whatsoever. I had to let that out.
On a more posotive note, i went and saw Unearth last night and it was a truly kick ass show. i will be posting some pics later for you too see. anyway have a good day and a great week.
whats been going on SG? i have noticed that alot of the models are leaving. Well i did a little detective work and i found the website that some of them are going to. If anyone wants to know what it is leave me a comment on my journal and i will send it to you. I dont want to post the website's name cause i dont want anyone to think that i am endorsing the website or anything. It sucks that we are losing some of the great sg models, such as apnea, shera and katie to name a few. I know for sure that Apnea and Katie are on the new website cause i went to apneas website and i found out about the new website. It is bassically a blatant rip off of SG and i do not support it whatsoever. I had to let that out.
On a more posotive note, i went and saw Unearth last night and it was a truly kick ass show. i will be posting some pics later for you too see. anyway have a good day and a great week.
. . . I love SG, but I wanna see my old girls. Will you share your secret with me?
. . . shit! . . . do you barter? I'll tell u a secret if you tell me 1.