how time fly's, im gonna be 21 in less than a month and it isnt really a big deal cuz i dont drink, but for some reason my frinds think im gonna go out and get wasted at the bar with them. Why do people give me wierd looks when i tell them that i am straightedge? They are all like "why, whats so cool about being edge...", i mean i choose not to drink so why cant people understand that, i also sometimes wonder why my friends are constantly trying to get me to drink, its like they dont respect my lifestyle and shit
. anyway i had to let that out and clear my thoughts. anyway drope me a line and give me some words of wisdom.
how time fly's, im gonna be 21 in less than a month and it isnt really a big deal cuz i dont drink, but for some reason my frinds think im gonna go out and get wasted at the bar with them. Why do people give me wierd looks when i tell them that i am straightedge? They are all like "why, whats so cool about being edge...", i mean i choose not to drink so why cant people understand that, i also sometimes wonder why my friends are constantly trying to get me to drink, its like they dont respect my lifestyle and shit


I love the muppets. Animal is my all time favorite and chef is my second, bork bork bork!