hello people,
whats up people? ive been working my ass everyday. ive been working like 12 hour shifts everyday, it sucks but it will pay off in the end. Anyway the paintball tournament whent well, my team placed third so i guess im happy. we got beat because of an outdated rule so im still kinda pissed off. but anyway enough about me, i hope everyopne is doing ok. drop me a line and let me know if you are all still alive.
whats up people? ive been working my ass everyday. ive been working like 12 hour shifts everyday, it sucks but it will pay off in the end. Anyway the paintball tournament whent well, my team placed third so i guess im happy. we got beat because of an outdated rule so im still kinda pissed off. but anyway enough about me, i hope everyopne is doing ok. drop me a line and let me know if you are all still alive.


Hey buddy I'm still here just been busy too!!