whats been going on? Iv'e been really busy lately. Im finally geeting around to updating my journal. I went an saw Scars of Tomorrow, As Hope Dies, With Passion, Killing Theory, 5 Victims 4 Graves and XThe WrathX last weekend. It was fucking awesome. The Wrath are a bunch of my friends fron the Salinas Valley Hardcore Crew, they rocked the fucking houde. It was one of the best shows ive been to in a long time. I hope everyone is doing well.
X Salinas Valley Hardcore Crew X
whats been going on? Iv'e been really busy lately. Im finally geeting around to updating my journal. I went an saw Scars of Tomorrow, As Hope Dies, With Passion, Killing Theory, 5 Victims 4 Graves and XThe WrathX last weekend. It was fucking awesome. The Wrath are a bunch of my friends fron the Salinas Valley Hardcore Crew, they rocked the fucking houde. It was one of the best shows ive been to in a long time. I hope everyone is doing well.

X Salinas Valley Hardcore Crew X