Well its friday.........
I aint got no job,
I aint got shit to do......
Ahh, what the hell........
update, update, update!
i must have drove this street a million
at least a thousand times before
its always beautiful in the fall time
to walk the streets of baltimore
and you said that things would stay the same
but i know i'm gonna miss the changing of the leaves this year
and i know i'm gonna make it back there
as soon as i find myself
i used to fall asleep at double rock without a penny to my name
that's what made me dream my dreams
because i had everything to gain
and you said that things would stay the same
but i know i'm gonna miss the changing of the leaves this year
and i know i'm gonna make it back there
as soon as i find myself
soon as i find myself
i'm gonna make it back there
but i know i'm gonna miss the changing of the leaves this year
and i know i'm gonna make it back there
as soon as i find myself
and i know i'm gonna miss the changing of the leaves this year
and i know i'm gonna make it back there
as soon as i find myself.
~Bleed the Dream "Streets of Baltimore"
So its been a busy week for myself. I've still yet to hear anything back inreference to a job. Which sucks. I just faxed over an appeal letter for my unemployment. If i dont hear anything today Im going to have to go to applebees or outback tomorrow. The thought of going to work back in a kitchen makes my head hurt. Granted I did love it, I had fun, and I was good at it........It was just busy busy busy. I dont know if Im ready to go back to that.
I have no choice really. I have to get a new insurance policy for my car. I need a job to pay for that. I need to make a car payment really soon. Otherwise, their going to start bothering me again.
At least I got my speeding ticket stuff taken care of. I was supposed to go to court on sept 30th 9am. Fortuantely for me, I found out you can do community service once a year for speeding tickets. So next saturday I will be volunteering to work at the wine festival @ Sotterly mansion. That should be interesting.
So i died my hair back to black. Well almost. I only had one bottle of black dye. So I started at the top and worked my way back. The bulk of my hair is still the "coffee" red that it was. Which is great because I can just mess with peek-a-boo colors. Once I find a new job that is!
Im still having the toughest time sleeping. Yesterday i woke up at 9:30am. I was so tired by 10pm. For some reason I could not go to sleep. I tried, nothing worked. I just lay there and think and think........next thing you know its 4 am. My moms leaving for work. My dads getting home from work. My sister is leaving for school. Its now 8 am..... Im still tossing and turning. Finally I doz off and the next time I roll over its 12 noon. I have to get up. So Ive been running off of approx. 4 hours of sleep a day. IT sucks.
I hope I get a job soon. I need to pay these bills off STAT. Yesterday was my nieces birthday. Monday is my moms.
Im poor, Im broke, im such a LOSER! I really want to come up to baltimore Oct 7th. Bleed the Dream is playing at the ottobar. Hopefully I can. Charm City Saints is playing in DC on the 8th. Thats a weekend I dont want to be stuck in this house. I miss going out. I miss my friends.
Last weekend was Christians birthday party. I had a fucking blast. I didnt have to worry about anything. I just had fun. Its been a long time since I have. Right now, all I want to do is just have fun and forget about everything.
New hair means new pics.
I know what your doing...........
Stop looking down my shirt!
If looks could kill. Id watch you die.
You're all fuckin crazy
Smile like you mean it.........BITE ME!
You think you know, but you have no idea.
" Another page in your book, Another note in a song. My pages are blank and my notes out of key............"
FORTUNE of today
I'm going to live forever, or die trying! -- Spider Robinson
FUNNY for today
Two blondes walk up to a perfume counter. The first one picks up a sample bottle, sprays it on her wrist, smells it, and says, "That's nice, don't you think, Tracy?"
Tracy says, "Yeah. What's it called, Sharon?"
Sharon says, "Viens a moi."
Tracy says, "Viens a moi? What's that mean?"
The store clerk says, "Viens a moi, ladies, is French for 'Come to me.'"
Sharon takes another sniff and says:
"That doesn't smell like come to me. Does it smell like come to you?"
1. Why are you reading this page?
- Beacuse its mine and Im the one typing it! Actually to try and provide some source of entertainment for myself.
2. Why do you only go out for spaghetti while wearing a white shirt?
-perhaps its a subconscious (sp?) thing. White shirts make your boobs look huge. You add marinara sauce to the mix it creates even more of a "Oh my god, looka t me I just made a mess on my huge rack......... can you see it!"
3. Why do you only crave fast food AFTER the restaurant has closed for the night?
- Good question....... 2 words for you......... IM DRUNK! One night I was so tipsy I found my self in a drive thru for a 24 hr Mcdonalds. I came to my senses had to slap myself a few times and haul ass out of there....... I DONT FUCKIN EAT MCDONALDS!
4. Any suggestions on how to cure insomnia?!
( I need your answers people!)
I aint got no job,
I aint got shit to do......
Ahh, what the hell........
update, update, update!
i must have drove this street a million
at least a thousand times before
its always beautiful in the fall time
to walk the streets of baltimore
and you said that things would stay the same
but i know i'm gonna miss the changing of the leaves this year
and i know i'm gonna make it back there
as soon as i find myself
i used to fall asleep at double rock without a penny to my name
that's what made me dream my dreams
because i had everything to gain
and you said that things would stay the same
but i know i'm gonna miss the changing of the leaves this year
and i know i'm gonna make it back there
as soon as i find myself
soon as i find myself
i'm gonna make it back there
but i know i'm gonna miss the changing of the leaves this year
and i know i'm gonna make it back there
as soon as i find myself
and i know i'm gonna miss the changing of the leaves this year
and i know i'm gonna make it back there
as soon as i find myself.
~Bleed the Dream "Streets of Baltimore"
So its been a busy week for myself. I've still yet to hear anything back inreference to a job. Which sucks. I just faxed over an appeal letter for my unemployment. If i dont hear anything today Im going to have to go to applebees or outback tomorrow. The thought of going to work back in a kitchen makes my head hurt. Granted I did love it, I had fun, and I was good at it........It was just busy busy busy. I dont know if Im ready to go back to that.
I have no choice really. I have to get a new insurance policy for my car. I need a job to pay for that. I need to make a car payment really soon. Otherwise, their going to start bothering me again.
At least I got my speeding ticket stuff taken care of. I was supposed to go to court on sept 30th 9am. Fortuantely for me, I found out you can do community service once a year for speeding tickets. So next saturday I will be volunteering to work at the wine festival @ Sotterly mansion. That should be interesting.
So i died my hair back to black. Well almost. I only had one bottle of black dye. So I started at the top and worked my way back. The bulk of my hair is still the "coffee" red that it was. Which is great because I can just mess with peek-a-boo colors. Once I find a new job that is!
Im still having the toughest time sleeping. Yesterday i woke up at 9:30am. I was so tired by 10pm. For some reason I could not go to sleep. I tried, nothing worked. I just lay there and think and think........next thing you know its 4 am. My moms leaving for work. My dads getting home from work. My sister is leaving for school. Its now 8 am..... Im still tossing and turning. Finally I doz off and the next time I roll over its 12 noon. I have to get up. So Ive been running off of approx. 4 hours of sleep a day. IT sucks.
I hope I get a job soon. I need to pay these bills off STAT. Yesterday was my nieces birthday. Monday is my moms.
Im poor, Im broke, im such a LOSER! I really want to come up to baltimore Oct 7th. Bleed the Dream is playing at the ottobar. Hopefully I can. Charm City Saints is playing in DC on the 8th. Thats a weekend I dont want to be stuck in this house. I miss going out. I miss my friends.
Last weekend was Christians birthday party. I had a fucking blast. I didnt have to worry about anything. I just had fun. Its been a long time since I have. Right now, all I want to do is just have fun and forget about everything.
New hair means new pics.

I know what your doing...........

Stop looking down my shirt!

If looks could kill. Id watch you die.

You're all fuckin crazy

Smile like you mean it.........BITE ME!

You think you know, but you have no idea.

" Another page in your book, Another note in a song. My pages are blank and my notes out of key............"
FORTUNE of today
I'm going to live forever, or die trying! -- Spider Robinson
FUNNY for today
Two blondes walk up to a perfume counter. The first one picks up a sample bottle, sprays it on her wrist, smells it, and says, "That's nice, don't you think, Tracy?"
Tracy says, "Yeah. What's it called, Sharon?"
Sharon says, "Viens a moi."
Tracy says, "Viens a moi? What's that mean?"
The store clerk says, "Viens a moi, ladies, is French for 'Come to me.'"
Sharon takes another sniff and says:
"That doesn't smell like come to me. Does it smell like come to you?"
1. Why are you reading this page?
- Beacuse its mine and Im the one typing it! Actually to try and provide some source of entertainment for myself.
2. Why do you only go out for spaghetti while wearing a white shirt?
-perhaps its a subconscious (sp?) thing. White shirts make your boobs look huge. You add marinara sauce to the mix it creates even more of a "Oh my god, looka t me I just made a mess on my huge rack......... can you see it!"
3. Why do you only crave fast food AFTER the restaurant has closed for the night?
- Good question....... 2 words for you......... IM DRUNK! One night I was so tipsy I found my self in a drive thru for a 24 hr Mcdonalds. I came to my senses had to slap myself a few times and haul ass out of there....... I DONT FUCKIN EAT MCDONALDS!
4. Any suggestions on how to cure insomnia?!
( I need your answers people!)
cuddle in the arms of someone that makes you feel secure, happy, warm, and lets you fall asleep away from all the problems that plague your daily life
honestly ihave no problem falling asleep cause i have narcolepsy but the times i sleep the best are when i am holding someone
and the pics are beautiful