Another moment of taking time from doing nothing!
Im sitting at work.... well as usual.
Im back to the point of working on correcting dictation.
I did that first thing this morning.
So, Im a lil ahead of the game today.
Im kinda hyper and hocked up on mydol.
Took 5 pills already. Yeah, its sad. Yet fun.
Yeah Its been the hi-light of my day.
Ive never been so happy to have my crotch bleeding profusley! haha
Its been months. LITERALLY! Were not oging to get into those
So despite the pain. I was so happy to see I found my DOT today.
I decide to tell the few people I talk to openly about this.....
The best response......
was from Jamilee.
I forgot she got a new job.... I think she starts next week.
The new guy saw that. Thanks a lot.
Hahah sorry new guy! MUAHAHAHAH! ;-)
Im Fuckin Nuts!
So I go home last night. With every intention of uploading pictures.
Cleaning, going to the bank, stopping by to see my mom then going to the
ottobar. Well the sky opened up and God must have been really mad at
people. Sounded like he was throwing shti everywhere. So I layed down. I
even told ami, Im not going out. Im going to lay down for a bit, then get
up and clean. My tired ass fell asleep, didnt get up till 7:30 this
morning. I didnt set my alarm and its a good thing its 30 minutes fast.
cause when i rolled over the clock said 8:04! I was like OH SHIT!
Just enough time to get myass up and motivated and get to work. ITs a good
thing I work 5 minutes away. One more day left of that wonderful commute.
I better enjoy it. Starting monday, nothing less than 2 hours.............
Theres been some drama lately. Family wise. Kinda sucks. Its always been
there. The main thing is my father is a great provider but he lacks
compassion. Its a very self-centered person. I dont want to get into it
really, but basically theres just a lack of communication. My mom told me
today that if there is one thing she learned from my father was how to
ignore things. To act like nothings wrong. to just forget about it. She
said that she thinks its just a part of him and how he is. That she knows
that because she sees it in me as well. That its not something I picked up
on as I got older, that I always have posessed that. She told me that when
I was little she would try and do things just to mess with me and tick me
off to see if I would crack and I wouldnt. I acknowledged that. I told her
that there is a difference between my father and I............ If someone
tickss me off or says something, I dont hold back or necisarily think
before I speak. Im very blunt and upfront. Yet if its some "thing" that
happens Im very good at acting like nothing is wrong and just letting it go
by with out saying a word of it to anyone. Thats how I am. If I want to
forget something, it doesnt exist. Yet I'm very emotional and only
sensative toward what certain people in my life say.......... My dad lacks
or hides that. So hopefully this move will help bring things together.
Either that or there will be alot of me ranting!
Tonight Im going out to Sonar. Next to fletchers and fraziers, thats my
favorite spot to go.
Febuary falling is playing along with beyond the Creep and some others.
Should be fun.
Tomorrow I'm not looking forward to. I dont want to say good bye. I dont
want to say Ill keep in touch, or visit soon. I go to the same places the
same times the same days with the same people every week. We always
complain cause something isnt right in life. That we want more out of it,
we want something, we want change. Sure Id love to see the world and
stuff, but quite frankly.......... I wouldnt give up all the trouble in
the world if I could stay right where I am.
Baltimore's great and I will miss it here.
All my friends too!!!!!
Come visit me 45 minutes east of NOWHERE!
Im sitting at work.... well as usual.
Im back to the point of working on correcting dictation.
I did that first thing this morning.
So, Im a lil ahead of the game today.
Im kinda hyper and hocked up on mydol.
Took 5 pills already. Yeah, its sad. Yet fun.
Yeah Its been the hi-light of my day.
Ive never been so happy to have my crotch bleeding profusley! haha
Its been months. LITERALLY! Were not oging to get into those
So despite the pain. I was so happy to see I found my DOT today.
I decide to tell the few people I talk to openly about this.....
The best response......
was from Jamilee.
I forgot she got a new job.... I think she starts next week.
The new guy saw that. Thanks a lot.

Hahah sorry new guy! MUAHAHAHAH! ;-)
Im Fuckin Nuts!
So I go home last night. With every intention of uploading pictures.
Cleaning, going to the bank, stopping by to see my mom then going to the
ottobar. Well the sky opened up and God must have been really mad at
people. Sounded like he was throwing shti everywhere. So I layed down. I
even told ami, Im not going out. Im going to lay down for a bit, then get
up and clean. My tired ass fell asleep, didnt get up till 7:30 this
morning. I didnt set my alarm and its a good thing its 30 minutes fast.
cause when i rolled over the clock said 8:04! I was like OH SHIT!
Just enough time to get myass up and motivated and get to work. ITs a good
thing I work 5 minutes away. One more day left of that wonderful commute.
I better enjoy it. Starting monday, nothing less than 2 hours.............
Theres been some drama lately. Family wise. Kinda sucks. Its always been
there. The main thing is my father is a great provider but he lacks
compassion. Its a very self-centered person. I dont want to get into it
really, but basically theres just a lack of communication. My mom told me
today that if there is one thing she learned from my father was how to
ignore things. To act like nothings wrong. to just forget about it. She
said that she thinks its just a part of him and how he is. That she knows
that because she sees it in me as well. That its not something I picked up
on as I got older, that I always have posessed that. She told me that when
I was little she would try and do things just to mess with me and tick me
off to see if I would crack and I wouldnt. I acknowledged that. I told her
that there is a difference between my father and I............ If someone
tickss me off or says something, I dont hold back or necisarily think
before I speak. Im very blunt and upfront. Yet if its some "thing" that
happens Im very good at acting like nothing is wrong and just letting it go
by with out saying a word of it to anyone. Thats how I am. If I want to
forget something, it doesnt exist. Yet I'm very emotional and only
sensative toward what certain people in my life say.......... My dad lacks
or hides that. So hopefully this move will help bring things together.
Either that or there will be alot of me ranting!
Tonight Im going out to Sonar. Next to fletchers and fraziers, thats my
favorite spot to go.
Febuary falling is playing along with beyond the Creep and some others.
Should be fun.
Tomorrow I'm not looking forward to. I dont want to say good bye. I dont
want to say Ill keep in touch, or visit soon. I go to the same places the
same times the same days with the same people every week. We always
complain cause something isnt right in life. That we want more out of it,
we want something, we want change. Sure Id love to see the world and
stuff, but quite frankly.......... I wouldnt give up all the trouble in
the world if I could stay right where I am.
Baltimore's great and I will miss it here.
All my friends too!!!!!
Come visit me 45 minutes east of NOWHERE!