Im laughing right now. Which is a VERY GOOD THING!
For me at least. It keeps me from going insane.
Lets make this a Fun post:
First things first........
Lets play "Whose Crack?!"
Now for some serious shots from this past weekend.
Went to LookOut Point Saturday morning.
Lets walk the plank.
Should I jump?????
Maybe I should have. :: Shrugs Shoulders::
On the pier.
I was down the coast in the earlier pics.
enjoying the view
Looking for a escape.
I love the innocence (sp?... fuck spelling) in this pic.
Oh and some Pics from the BTD show........
It was so Great to see Keith and Brandon back home.
I also have funny Photobooth Pics of Keith and I but I have to scan those still.
Cant wait to see those guys again. When theyre intown your guatanteed to go out and get drunk!
Ok Now for the Good ones ::Evil Grin::
Time to slip into something a lil bit more comfortable.
Like One of my Two favorite places to be.........
OR the other.......
Now for a few downers............
This is what I do.........
Bottoms up!
" Look how pretty she is, when she falls down"
1. Do you like being "alone"?
I've always been "alone". You can live and be around hundreds of people, yet still feel completely isolated. No matter how much fun or how much you adore and luv people to death. Its still hard to trust.
2. What is a quality in people you like and hate what are they?
I like when people are who they are. Themselves.
I hate when people lie to you and keep things from you. Thats right up there with Cheaters. Everyone who knows me my view points on these and why.......
3. Do you get mad or get even?
depends on what type of mood I am in, I suppose! Besides getting even can be so much more fun. One can only take so much!
4. Have you ever hated yourself, for hating someone else? (someone recently asked me this)
This works in a lot of ways. I hate myself all the time. For the way i think in general. I might not like certain things in people, or cant stand certain negative qualities even thru the good. I dont hate them for it....... I hate myself, For thinking that way.
What can ya do?
What's Next?
-Tomorrow My lil sister is coming to stay the night. I am taking her to HFStival. I get to make periodic rounds at the Clear Channel Tent, to make sure all our lil promoters are doin their job. Not to mention help with the Free Ticket Give Aways.
- Next weekend I was going to go to FL, but its kinda pointless with time. Besides, the lovely MistakesMade is coming to stay with us. We should all get drunk and naked AGAIN!
- Memorial weekend......... 3 day weekend. Im not getting my hopes up. Only keeping my fingers crossed that certain people will have those dates off, and be able to hangout and party that weekend. That would be nice, I suppose. BUT WHATEVER...... If not......... ROADTRIP! When I find out the destination anyone want to join? Holla!
- as for now I think I should go to bed. I've been sick lately. The hangovers have not helped. Im wheezing, I can barely breathe and should indeed stop smoking so much! Im tired and run down, Ive been having nose bleeds and Unexplainable bruising on my legs....... which is really odd. Work insist that I have blood work done......... Just another thing to worry about.
Fuckin Sweet Dreams..............
::Flicks everyone off::
:: Giggles::
forgive me ..... at least it isnt the "Get out of my way" Im being a bitch, mood! Yet, still a bitch!
Im laughing right now. Which is a VERY GOOD THING!
For me at least. It keeps me from going insane.
Lets make this a Fun post:
First things first........
Lets play "Whose Crack?!"


Now for some serious shots from this past weekend.

Went to LookOut Point Saturday morning.

Lets walk the plank.

Should I jump?????

Maybe I should have. :: Shrugs Shoulders::

On the pier.

I was down the coast in the earlier pics.

enjoying the view

Looking for a escape.


I love the innocence (sp?... fuck spelling) in this pic.
Oh and some Pics from the BTD show........

It was so Great to see Keith and Brandon back home.
I also have funny Photobooth Pics of Keith and I but I have to scan those still.
Cant wait to see those guys again. When theyre intown your guatanteed to go out and get drunk!
Ok Now for the Good ones ::Evil Grin::

Time to slip into something a lil bit more comfortable.
Like One of my Two favorite places to be.........

OR the other.......

Now for a few downers............
This is what I do.........

Bottoms up!

" Look how pretty she is, when she falls down"
1. Do you like being "alone"?
I've always been "alone". You can live and be around hundreds of people, yet still feel completely isolated. No matter how much fun or how much you adore and luv people to death. Its still hard to trust.
2. What is a quality in people you like and hate what are they?
I like when people are who they are. Themselves.
I hate when people lie to you and keep things from you. Thats right up there with Cheaters. Everyone who knows me my view points on these and why.......
3. Do you get mad or get even?
depends on what type of mood I am in, I suppose! Besides getting even can be so much more fun. One can only take so much!
4. Have you ever hated yourself, for hating someone else? (someone recently asked me this)
This works in a lot of ways. I hate myself all the time. For the way i think in general. I might not like certain things in people, or cant stand certain negative qualities even thru the good. I dont hate them for it....... I hate myself, For thinking that way.
What can ya do?
What's Next?
-Tomorrow My lil sister is coming to stay the night. I am taking her to HFStival. I get to make periodic rounds at the Clear Channel Tent, to make sure all our lil promoters are doin their job. Not to mention help with the Free Ticket Give Aways.
- Next weekend I was going to go to FL, but its kinda pointless with time. Besides, the lovely MistakesMade is coming to stay with us. We should all get drunk and naked AGAIN!
- Memorial weekend......... 3 day weekend. Im not getting my hopes up. Only keeping my fingers crossed that certain people will have those dates off, and be able to hangout and party that weekend. That would be nice, I suppose. BUT WHATEVER...... If not......... ROADTRIP! When I find out the destination anyone want to join? Holla!
- as for now I think I should go to bed. I've been sick lately. The hangovers have not helped. Im wheezing, I can barely breathe and should indeed stop smoking so much! Im tired and run down, Ive been having nose bleeds and Unexplainable bruising on my legs....... which is really odd. Work insist that I have blood work done......... Just another thing to worry about.
Fuckin Sweet Dreams..............
::Flicks everyone off::
:: Giggles::
forgive me ..... at least it isnt the "Get out of my way" Im being a bitch, mood! Yet, still a bitch!
1. Do you like being "alone"?
Not necessarily... if I am entertaining myself yes. If I start to get bored and think too much... no. If you mean alone as in single, then no.
2. What is a quality in people you like and hate what are they?
Everyone's different so I try to appreciate it, but I just can't deal with backstabbers. I like it when people are open and outgoing. Like Auriane.
3. Do you get mad or get even?
I just get mad usually. I'm pretty passive so I don't normally get even.
4. Have you ever hated yourself, for hating someone else?
I don't hate people. Just just dislike them strongly. Hate is a really, really strong word to use against a person.