WARNING!!!: Jagerbombs and Sparks: They keep Kimie up all night!
Current mood: naughty
Hold on to your O' Shit bars and fasten your safty feature.......
because todays going to be quite a ride.
If you have a weak stomach, are with child (pregnant JACKASS!), have back
problems, or have sufferend any recent truamas to the head, heart, or
crotch regions...... I highly suggest you exit this page.........as of 5
minutes ago!
First and foremost......
Dearest Toni, ( Take the penis out of your mouth, its time for dinner!)
I just want to say thank you for introducing to me 2 very important things
in my life.
..1: "Baby, Honey, Snookems.....etc" Ok. Stop mocking and making fun of me!
..2: Sparks!!!!
That stuff is great. Be a pro..... Take it to the head. I highly
reccommend it!
"Dont forget to cross your T's and Dot your I's!"
Sparks also works well when mixed with copius amounts of miller light and
JagerBombs in the time span of 3 hours. Combined with Karaoke, Dancing,
and great friends is the best way to be served. Partaking in these
activities may ....... hmm No....... WILL.......... result in Drunk
I would like to nominate Toni to the Guiness book of world records for
Drunk Dialing. This girl can single handedly Drunk dial everyone in her
cell phone in less then 2.2 minutes! Watch out now!
YAY I just won a liter of coke! (yes Im drinking a coke, Shhhhh dont tell
Caffine can kill ya!
Two things I learned last night.........
1. The more and more i drink, the less and less I can sing..... yet the
funnier it gets!
2. That all battery operated toys should come with life time warranties!
The amount of sleep I have had in the past 24 hours=2.5 hours!
The fact that i am wide awake= Insane!
Random thought for the day:
~Tea parties are nice, but TarterSauce makes me want to laugh and Piss
Random Bitch comment:
I know how you feel, I just don't care!
The average cell phone carrier charges $.10 per text message.
I have an average of 100 in a day.
Theres approx 30 days in a month.
You do the math = $300.00 OUCH!
Thank you Cingular, for my unlimited text messaging!
Random Kimie Facts:
-I go to the gym at least 4 times a week.
- I work out for 2 hours.
-I do a total of 21 miles on the bike.
-getting hot and sweaty is ok........ when physical activity is involved.
Working out is like sex. You kinda have to get in the mood.
Then once you get going, you can never get enough.
Its like the energizer bunny!
This just in:
Working out boost your sex drive! hahhaha
*No wonder Im such a fiend!*
I've recently decided on a new profession ( is that a word?! God Im a
To be a spy!
::Scratches head::
Private Investigator, that sounds better! hahaha
Sometimes I worry about myself.
I should check myself in......
:: Opens The Yellow Pages::
The Retreat At Sheppard Pratt
"A First class setting..... for world class care."
-Psychotherapeutic milieu
-Intermediate length of stay
-Private pay setting
(This was a hospital ad, not a hotel ad mind you!)
I wonder if it comes with a ocean view and nice white jacket to go with it!
That would be.................cool!
Current pisseroffer!:
The fact I havent recieved my paychecks for over 2 weeks now. I'm broke,
and I should be in California this weekend. BAH! Someone pack me in their
luggage, Im highly flexible!
:;Circus music playing in my mind::
Lesson of the day:
I am the biggest Dork you will ever meet........
Kinda reminds me of Winterfresh Gum.....
Much Much Coooooooooler!
Hahahah I have a theme song:
Rebel Yell............... "MORE MORE MORE!"
Theres always Shreks Karaoke in the swamp.......
" Dont go changing, to try and please me. You never let me down
before....eww wooooo ew wooo eww!.............. I made it thru the
wilderness..... DADADADADA..........You know I made it thru. Didnt know how
lost I was, until i found you. ...................I like big butts and I
can not lie, you other brothers cant deny. That when a girl walks in with a
itty bitty waste and a round thing in your face you
get...............FEELINGS!....... DADADA..................... Its fun to
stay at the YMCA, Its fun to stay at the
YMCA.................HAHAHAHAHA.............. DO you really want to hurt
me.. OW! , Do you really want to make me cry!............AHAHAHAH Stayin
alive Stayin Alive. AH AH AH AH Stayin alive Stayin live........ Who let
the dogs out? Who Who Who.............. Come everybody dance to the
music.......... Dance to the music, Dance to the music. All we need is a
drummer for people who all need a beat......... YEAH!............ I cant
see me lovin nobody but you, for all my life! ............ Dance to the
Todays Horoscope: **Capricorn: The "restless seeker" within you wants to come out and play.**
Oh Yeah?!?!?!
Your lucky it's lunch time!
I'm out BIA!
Current mood: naughty
Hold on to your O' Shit bars and fasten your safty feature.......
because todays going to be quite a ride.
If you have a weak stomach, are with child (pregnant JACKASS!), have back
problems, or have sufferend any recent truamas to the head, heart, or
crotch regions...... I highly suggest you exit this page.........as of 5
minutes ago!
First and foremost......
Dearest Toni, ( Take the penis out of your mouth, its time for dinner!)
I just want to say thank you for introducing to me 2 very important things
in my life.
..1: "Baby, Honey, Snookems.....etc" Ok. Stop mocking and making fun of me!
..2: Sparks!!!!
That stuff is great. Be a pro..... Take it to the head. I highly
reccommend it!
"Dont forget to cross your T's and Dot your I's!"
Sparks also works well when mixed with copius amounts of miller light and
JagerBombs in the time span of 3 hours. Combined with Karaoke, Dancing,
and great friends is the best way to be served. Partaking in these
activities may ....... hmm No....... WILL.......... result in Drunk
I would like to nominate Toni to the Guiness book of world records for
Drunk Dialing. This girl can single handedly Drunk dial everyone in her
cell phone in less then 2.2 minutes! Watch out now!
YAY I just won a liter of coke! (yes Im drinking a coke, Shhhhh dont tell
Caffine can kill ya!
Two things I learned last night.........
1. The more and more i drink, the less and less I can sing..... yet the
funnier it gets!
2. That all battery operated toys should come with life time warranties!
The amount of sleep I have had in the past 24 hours=2.5 hours!
The fact that i am wide awake= Insane!
Random thought for the day:
~Tea parties are nice, but TarterSauce makes me want to laugh and Piss
Random Bitch comment:
I know how you feel, I just don't care!
The average cell phone carrier charges $.10 per text message.
I have an average of 100 in a day.
Theres approx 30 days in a month.
You do the math = $300.00 OUCH!
Thank you Cingular, for my unlimited text messaging!
Random Kimie Facts:
-I go to the gym at least 4 times a week.
- I work out for 2 hours.
-I do a total of 21 miles on the bike.
-getting hot and sweaty is ok........ when physical activity is involved.
Working out is like sex. You kinda have to get in the mood.
Then once you get going, you can never get enough.
Its like the energizer bunny!
This just in:
Working out boost your sex drive! hahhaha
*No wonder Im such a fiend!*
I've recently decided on a new profession ( is that a word?! God Im a
To be a spy!
::Scratches head::
Private Investigator, that sounds better! hahaha
Sometimes I worry about myself.
I should check myself in......
:: Opens The Yellow Pages::
The Retreat At Sheppard Pratt
"A First class setting..... for world class care."
-Psychotherapeutic milieu
-Intermediate length of stay
-Private pay setting
(This was a hospital ad, not a hotel ad mind you!)
I wonder if it comes with a ocean view and nice white jacket to go with it!
That would be.................cool!
Current pisseroffer!:
The fact I havent recieved my paychecks for over 2 weeks now. I'm broke,
and I should be in California this weekend. BAH! Someone pack me in their
luggage, Im highly flexible!
:;Circus music playing in my mind::
Lesson of the day:
I am the biggest Dork you will ever meet........
Kinda reminds me of Winterfresh Gum.....
Much Much Coooooooooler!
Hahahah I have a theme song:
Rebel Yell............... "MORE MORE MORE!"
Theres always Shreks Karaoke in the swamp.......
" Dont go changing, to try and please me. You never let me down
before....eww wooooo ew wooo eww!.............. I made it thru the
wilderness..... DADADADADA..........You know I made it thru. Didnt know how
lost I was, until i found you. ...................I like big butts and I
can not lie, you other brothers cant deny. That when a girl walks in with a
itty bitty waste and a round thing in your face you
get...............FEELINGS!....... DADADA..................... Its fun to
stay at the YMCA, Its fun to stay at the
YMCA.................HAHAHAHAHA.............. DO you really want to hurt
me.. OW! , Do you really want to make me cry!............AHAHAHAH Stayin
alive Stayin Alive. AH AH AH AH Stayin alive Stayin live........ Who let
the dogs out? Who Who Who.............. Come everybody dance to the
music.......... Dance to the music, Dance to the music. All we need is a
drummer for people who all need a beat......... YEAH!............ I cant
see me lovin nobody but you, for all my life! ............ Dance to the
Todays Horoscope: **Capricorn: The "restless seeker" within you wants to come out and play.**
Oh Yeah?!?!?!
Your lucky it's lunch time!
I'm out BIA!
Hahaha its sad that I got every little random in your post. We have been together for too long. I need to have a tea party really soon. I want to go to the gym again but i dont think my clit beater can take it. Ill hunt down a real humdinger and hook you up.

i dunno if i'll be there tomorrow... i need to get some money together