She finally get it got it
Took the time to hold it down
You know she's gonna
Let another come and run her round
I'm fighting from the guard
and she's still lovin on the ground
Still screamin at the God
That thaught me how to let you down
I'm not a loser lover
I'm a sleeper and a freak
You game me two and took my ten
and still wont talk to me
but you could love the me
that someday Ill grow up to be
Dont give up on me
Well....... HEEEEELLLLLLLLO there!
How the fuckin' hell are ya?!
Went to work today, Accomplished more in today then I have all week. That was a accomplishment. Im sooo proud!
Tomorrow is April fools day. Which would have been my g'ma's b-day. So im not going to mourn, Im going to have a blast.
Starting with work. Today we were supposed to put operation were out of post its into effect. Unforuntely my boss didnt leave early like she usually would. So now I have to go in early. To set this shit up. I dont know if you guys have ever seen the comercial. Heres what ere going to do. When she comes in there is going to be one post it on the door to her office. Which will state, "Were running low on post-its!" So when she opens the door, her office is going to be covered in them. Thats right! I 've got about 1600 post its to cover file cabinets, walls, and file boxes with! This is going to be awesome. Hopefully I remember to take my camera.
So I did the girly thing tonight. I had to go get my nails did. Since I got my polish changed to a birght as neon green I had to get my toe nails done too. this time I couldnt hold back the laughter, my feet or so sensative..... I was laughing my fuckin a off! I'll tell you one thing, I want one of those fuckin bad ass massaging chairs they have. Dude those things even get down to the hard to reach places. Like my lower back, I was like WOAH.... yeah thats kinda tense! hahah
So tomorrow night I'm going to go to the vault to see Audio Subversion, then swing over to Sonar. Try and find some trouble to get into, I suppose!
I just got some more promo material from Clear Channel yesterday. Fliers and posters for some upcoming shows, including Mindless Self Indulgence at nations on April 11th whos new album "youll rebel to anything" which hits stores april 12th. Also the Batlle for Ozzfest Tour will be appearing at Nations on April 22nd at 7 pm. That tour is featuring.... A Dozen Furies, Curse your name, and Manntis. Tickets are on sale now. Via the Naation Box office, all ticket master outlets, online @CC.Com and/or charge by phone 410.547.SEAT!
Speaking of Tickets. I just surprised the lil sis with tickets to this years HFStival. She was so stoked, and that makes me happy!
Got bored and decided to snap a few photos.
What is your most memoriable april fools day joke?
Correct me if I am wrong. I think it was 2 years ago?! I was on my way to see Tattoo_my_dream. I was around the corner from her apartment. I pulled over in the parking lot and called her cell phone. I proceeded to act like I was hystarically in tears and in a panic. I told her I hit a dog. She told me to stay where I was that she was coming to get me. When she pulled up she was with Starry_eyed,
They got out the car to see if i was ok.
I lifted my head up off the steering wheel
looked at them and started laughing my ass off.
Unfortunately, I interupted a super delicious Subway Dinner! Starry_eyed was soooo pissed!
Ohhhh, that was great.
ok........ your turn!
Took the time to hold it down
You know she's gonna
Let another come and run her round
I'm fighting from the guard
and she's still lovin on the ground
Still screamin at the God
That thaught me how to let you down
I'm not a loser lover
I'm a sleeper and a freak
You game me two and took my ten
and still wont talk to me
but you could love the me
that someday Ill grow up to be
Dont give up on me
Well....... HEEEEELLLLLLLLO there!
How the fuckin' hell are ya?!
Went to work today, Accomplished more in today then I have all week. That was a accomplishment. Im sooo proud!
Tomorrow is April fools day. Which would have been my g'ma's b-day. So im not going to mourn, Im going to have a blast.
Starting with work. Today we were supposed to put operation were out of post its into effect. Unforuntely my boss didnt leave early like she usually would. So now I have to go in early. To set this shit up. I dont know if you guys have ever seen the comercial. Heres what ere going to do. When she comes in there is going to be one post it on the door to her office. Which will state, "Were running low on post-its!" So when she opens the door, her office is going to be covered in them. Thats right! I 've got about 1600 post its to cover file cabinets, walls, and file boxes with! This is going to be awesome. Hopefully I remember to take my camera.
So I did the girly thing tonight. I had to go get my nails did. Since I got my polish changed to a birght as neon green I had to get my toe nails done too. this time I couldnt hold back the laughter, my feet or so sensative..... I was laughing my fuckin a off! I'll tell you one thing, I want one of those fuckin bad ass massaging chairs they have. Dude those things even get down to the hard to reach places. Like my lower back, I was like WOAH.... yeah thats kinda tense! hahah
So tomorrow night I'm going to go to the vault to see Audio Subversion, then swing over to Sonar. Try and find some trouble to get into, I suppose!
I just got some more promo material from Clear Channel yesterday. Fliers and posters for some upcoming shows, including Mindless Self Indulgence at nations on April 11th whos new album "youll rebel to anything" which hits stores april 12th. Also the Batlle for Ozzfest Tour will be appearing at Nations on April 22nd at 7 pm. That tour is featuring.... A Dozen Furies, Curse your name, and Manntis. Tickets are on sale now. Via the Naation Box office, all ticket master outlets, online @CC.Com and/or charge by phone 410.547.SEAT!
Speaking of Tickets. I just surprised the lil sis with tickets to this years HFStival. She was so stoked, and that makes me happy!
Got bored and decided to snap a few photos.

What is your most memoriable april fools day joke?
Correct me if I am wrong. I think it was 2 years ago?! I was on my way to see Tattoo_my_dream. I was around the corner from her apartment. I pulled over in the parking lot and called her cell phone. I proceeded to act like I was hystarically in tears and in a panic. I told her I hit a dog. She told me to stay where I was that she was coming to get me. When she pulled up she was with Starry_eyed,
They got out the car to see if i was ok.
I lifted my head up off the steering wheel
looked at them and started laughing my ass off.
Unfortunately, I interupted a super delicious Subway Dinner! Starry_eyed was soooo pissed!
Ohhhh, that was great.
ok........ your turn!
green is SO your color 

I love the nails. I'm coming soon. Start a Mary needs a plane ticket fund