I'm so addicted
To the lovin that you're feeding to me
Can't do without it
This feeling's got me weak in the knees
Body's in withdrawal
Everytime you take it away
Can't you hear me callin'
Begging you to come out and play?
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
I'm cravin' for you
I'm missin' you like candy
- That ones all for FraggleRocker
(i'll so do that next time! haha)
So my fortune cookie just informed me that I am a big bundle of energy, always on the go. Well, lately......... I know that right!
So yesterday i had this brilliant idea to go to the Kamikaze Karaoke Prom @ Fraziers.
I know, I know........... its been a while.
Thousands of apologies all around!
Well, Im glad I did. I had a blast.
Besides, I missed it so much!
Its like Mini me to Dr. evil........
It completes me! haha
Im such a dork.
Well I uploaded all the wonderful pics from last night they are in my karaoke folder. So go peep those if ya like.
Here are a few of my favorites........
**A picture can say a thousand words....... I'll let them do the talking!**
Now........ lets plan some road trips.
I have some parked cars to run into!
Time to go do what I do best..........
Shop! Thats right.
At least its the grocery store! haha
To the lovin that you're feeding to me
Can't do without it
This feeling's got me weak in the knees
Body's in withdrawal
Everytime you take it away
Can't you hear me callin'
Begging you to come out and play?
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
I'm cravin' for you
I'm missin' you like candy
- That ones all for FraggleRocker
(i'll so do that next time! haha)
So my fortune cookie just informed me that I am a big bundle of energy, always on the go. Well, lately......... I know that right!
So yesterday i had this brilliant idea to go to the Kamikaze Karaoke Prom @ Fraziers.
I know, I know........... its been a while.
Thousands of apologies all around!
Well, Im glad I did. I had a blast.
Besides, I missed it so much!
Its like Mini me to Dr. evil........
It completes me! haha
Im such a dork.
Well I uploaded all the wonderful pics from last night they are in my karaoke folder. So go peep those if ya like.
Here are a few of my favorites........
**A picture can say a thousand words....... I'll let them do the talking!**

Now........ lets plan some road trips.
I have some parked cars to run into!
Time to go do what I do best..........
Shop! Thats right.
At least its the grocery store! haha

im craving for your love im missing you like candy!
I love ya konez..im glad u came and we had fun.