Edited to add
Click here to view a Teaser for the new Bleed the Dream Videos!

Due to the fact I have gained a substantial amount of energy, this might be a lengthy update.
bare with me.
So after being in bed for umm lets say the past 36 hours approx. I went back to work today. Yesterday i couldn't talk, it hurt just to breath in heavily.
Today with the help of a keg full of chloraseptic spray I was good to go.
So I was happy when I go to work to find out that Concentra had finally set up my Citrix account in the system and now my email and notes and everything is god to go. The only bad thing was that all the old files I was working with that were detached to the previous employers H (personal) drive. Was deleted with the account! Not only that I couldnt access the G( Local shared ) Drive! So Not only was I backed up from work from Not only Todays work load but I had to catch up on yesterday and monday as well. hahah so finally at 11:30 am I was able to get back into the system. I offered to work thru lunch but my supervisor wouldnt let me cause of Labor laws! hahah DAMN IT!
So I got pretty most o fmy work done. Only a few odds and ends to tie up tomorrow. As long as I dont have to make a lot of phone calls I should be A.O.K.!
Now everyone who knows me, knows I am a honest and blunt person to the point. Especially when I get flustered or fustrated. when things are said at me where i need to respond my anxiety takes over and the simplest way to deal with something is not to think about it to just be honest and say whats on your mind. well thats what I do. Everyone comes acrossed it atleast once. If your one of my really really good friends, probably even more so. I dont say things out of spite or to be ignorant. More so for the fact of awareness. as in hey...... look , check it. Its like this. Dont get mad, dont get upset. Im just telling you so ya know.
So anyway, I came home from work. JamieLee and myself did some wonderful quality time bonding while cleaning house. I must say, after and hour it was pretty refreshing and kinda smelt all nice and yummy too! hahah Yay for refreshing apples and melon burst! hahah
So we totally anticipated on having a girl bonding night as room mates. Just to chillout, talk, and try and be more organized as a whole. Unfortunately, that didnt go as planned.
It would be nice to just sit at home and have one of those night every now and then. Ive always said the best conversations we have is when were sitting at the table, just talking. Its been a while and I miss that.
Its wierd how you can be in a house living with two other people and always having people around but yet at the same time, feel so alone. why is that?
I'm hoping time will change that and warmer weather too!
Actually, once I confirmed with JamieLee what her plans were for next week and that her schedule was free, I gave her the invite and Valenties Day gift. TO join Mercie and myself at the Taste of Chaos Tour next week. I think it would be fun to have a girls night out.
So speaking of Valentines Day Gifts........
this was my Hardy har Har funny gag gift from Mercie

I know , funny, right?!
Well the funnier thing is the experation date 2008. Thats 3 years. 3 condoms. COUNT EM! one per year!
Especially with how people make fun of me for my "once a year " is fine for me "quota" !
So I was going to post a nasty ass picture of my throat from the other day. My tonsils were so huge and covered in white that you could shine a flash light in there and go blind from the reflection! So i opted to spare everyone, and not!
But heres the wonderful pic that me and my lil sis decided on. Out of the 39282930 million pics we took, To get blown up and framed for our parents anniversary on V. Day.

LMAO I know Im not smiling, but come on now. I might be one of the most photogenic people in the world, but after taking that many pics and getting fustrated, youd go with a more serious look too!
Oh so, yeah before I forget. Ive mentioned previously about doing weight Watchers at work. Just watching what we eat and how much we eat. Well last week I lost a pound. Today I weighed in and had lost 4 more! So yeah its either that new 2 hour work out did wonders for me, or it was my sickness diet that consist of chicken noodle soup, saletine crackers, jello, and popsicles"
hahah and lets not forget flinstone vitamins! lol
So anyway, on that note. Im going to take another dose of amoxicillin and tylenol and get some more rest.
Buona notte, il mio amore.
:: Smooches:: haha sick kisses!

I love that little gag v-tines gift.. it is too funny.
I dont know... i havent heard anything recently about visiting, but i would fucking love to come play!