The absence of your eyes
Makes me just want to die
And I can't stand the way they'll never look at me again
I think about you every night
And though we couldn't make things right
I'm waiting for the time we'll share the same bedroom again
Looks like my decision has been made.
YAY! I cant wait. Definately will be good times.
Ive had a long rough day.
Its just one of those blah days I suppose.
I was planning on doing some update with pics and everything but, my body is freezing, my right arm hurts my necks stiff, Maybe i just need a nice relaxing massage. :;Shrugs Shoulders::
Im cold, Im going to curl up watch a movie, and pass out soon.
so yeah and heres what I have to say about tomorrow...........

Makes me just want to die
And I can't stand the way they'll never look at me again
I think about you every night
And though we couldn't make things right
I'm waiting for the time we'll share the same bedroom again
Looks like my decision has been made.
YAY! I cant wait. Definately will be good times.
Ive had a long rough day.
Its just one of those blah days I suppose.
I was planning on doing some update with pics and everything but, my body is freezing, my right arm hurts my necks stiff, Maybe i just need a nice relaxing massage. :;Shrugs Shoulders::
Im cold, Im going to curl up watch a movie, and pass out soon.
so yeah and heres what I have to say about tomorrow...........