Ok so. with a lil help froma dear friend....... by the name of miller lite! I decided to shove my stage fright/anxiety back into the fuckin closet. I figured what better song to pop my karaoke cherry with then madonnas like a virgin! hahaha My foot was shaking the entire time. It was good times as usual. I didnt expect to be out this late, but I forgot about someone and had to go back to the bar. So we all went to the paper moon as usual. Then it brings me back to here. So i can get some sleep and go back into work again tomorrow morning. BAH! I have been out every day for the past week. With the acception of when Ive worked at duclaw. Sooooooo Im feeling great. Then again maybe its the beer talking!
I'm starting to see sheep running around my room. I should start counting them. Its to bad i dont have a seely postrapedic (sp?)! BAH!
I'm starting to see sheep running around my room. I should start counting them. Its to bad i dont have a seely postrapedic (sp?)! BAH!

Dude, you seriously did fantastic on your karaoke song. I am bad because i make fun of a lot of people, but you did awesome, no shit!! You must do it again!

You bet your sweet ass I will! haha Thanks babe!