So just home from work. Long day on reception. At least i did ummm absofuckinlutely nothing. Yeah that baout sums it all up. At least its just me and Eb in the Copy Center the next two days.... then thursday who knows... but friday Im out at one.... Scored me tickets to go see papa roach for the junkies 2nd annual throwdown. So that should be interesting.
Other then that.... Time to get my ass motivated. Need to go to fletchers. Time to get the party started. only my ass aint gettin retarded..... No pits for me tonight. I should say no booze to, but id be lying!
Other then that.... Time to get my ass motivated. Need to go to fletchers. Time to get the party started. only my ass aint gettin retarded..... No pits for me tonight. I should say no booze to, but id be lying!