I dont think im gonna make it to the bleed the dream show either. Reagan called me last nite on her new cell phone..lol and 8 year old has a cell phone (if she only knew) and asked to come down this weekend. Saturday nite is sg so im gonna get her friday nite. your more than welcome to crash here if u wind up going. Give a girl a call, it will only be 2.99$ a min.. LOL
honey if you want to be a bitch more power too you...i love it and it gets me places
Well its friday.........
I aint got no job,
I aint got shit to do......

Ahh, what the hell........
update, update, update!


i must have drove this street a million
at least a thousand times before
its always beautiful in the fall time
to walk the streets of baltimore

and you said that things would stay the same
but i know...
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insomia solution:
cuddle in the arms of someone that makes you feel secure, happy, warm, and lets you fall asleep away from all the problems that plague your daily life
honestly ihave no problem falling asleep cause i have narcolepsy but the times i sleep the best are when i am holding someone

and the pics are beautiful
If money starts pouring from the sky I'll send you a message with my jet wink
I was in my car today.

Along with my Mirror (4x3.5 in size)

I was trying to locate my phone charger from underneath it.


My reflection shattered.

Not in just 2 pieces.

Into like 25 different ones.

7 years more bad luck.

How many years do I have already?

I wish i didn't believe.
I was in my car today.

Along with my Mirror (4x3.5 in size)

I was trying to locate my phone charger from underneath it.


My reflection shattered.

Not in just 2 pieces.

Into like 25 different ones.

7 years more bad luck.

How many years do I have already?

I wish i didn't believe.
This was supposed to be a good thing for me..........
where is all the good?

It's been a month. Im still unemployed. My unemployment is denied. I have no idea if Im coming or going. I sleep for 4 hours every day between the hours of 8-12 in the morning.

I cant sleep at night. I think to much. Im so lost and overwhelmed with...
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I hope things get better for you.
We are looking for some more street teamers.. any area, US or World wide!!

We really need some hometown help (Baltimore/ Maryland area), but always open to Team Members from anywhere!

Contact us if interested!


Street Team Duties:
-Promoting http://charmcitysaints.com
-Getting people to join the mailing list and registering to the Message Board and Myspace Page
-Printing out fliers we supply to you
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7 days till i'm in bmore!!
We are looking for some more street teamers.. any area, US or World wide!!

We really need some hometown help (Baltimore/ Maryland area), but always open to Team Members from anywhere!

Contact us if interested!


Street Team Duties:
-Promoting http://charmcitysaints.com
-Getting people to join the mailing list and registering to the Message Board and Myspace Page
-Printing out fliers we supply to you
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A little bit of comedy! Rated NC-17!

This is definately worth an update.......
So I got bored. Was in conversation with someone I hold very dear to my heart and always have. He's known me longer and better than anyone of my friends I associate with. Unfortuantely, he's just like any other guy! So I figured what the hell....... lets have some fun.
Because while...
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haha.. thats so awesome.. you can tell the point that he finished up.. its like.. welp..okay.. gotta go to bed.. out of the blue.. awesome.

Onie kiss love
there's 4 sets a day in September...

10 am and 10 pm, for us. (7 am and 7 pm for west coast).

Well here is my update.........

if you want pics, please check out my myspace blog.
I simply dont have the energy to post them again!

To much effot..

My Myspace blog

Although, I did say i would put a pic up here of my new holes........

The lighting sucks the pic is bad....... took it with a web cam.

Say hello to my Jumbo Jacks...
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love the pic very sexy and look kinda fun
Greetings from Virginia Beach.......

Highlights of my trip so far,

Yesterday I got my girls pierced AGAIN!

Today I went parasailing for the first time. 1200ft!


Tomorrow night I get to hang out on the beach and see Journey!

Journey rules.
Ive been hooked on Sex and the City. Im on season four. Ive come across that they have the best questions EVER. So being that it is 8 am. Ive been up all night.. How about a quick survey.

1. Is it still possible to believe in love at first sight?
I think it is absolutely positively possible to believe in it. Although I dont...
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