All this days had being so so hard for me, between work and tons of extra hours, no sleep, problems, huge problems, my family far away as well my friends handle all this is not easy so I have no time for come here and sen you all the love i wish, so here i am for send a huge hug and kisses to every...
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Why I look at my self and say…. I have to have a better belly, stronger arms, not "jelly" legs…. and after all I'm just here at home doing nothing, rolling joints? the most i can do is listen a song and dance a little bit, I'm a chiller nothing to do :(
And unfortunatelly i DIDN'T have the chance to born with a perfect...
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La vida es un ratico, lo malo es que ese ratico dura para toda la vida...
you probably thought I was going to talk about something else :p
In fact I'm COLOMBIAN but i live in Italy since forever…. someone knows how to put on my info two countries? I don't wanna chose <3
I woke up this morning and foun new friends and followers, thanks everybody for it! <3
My day is already started (9:20am) but I wish you all a nice evening or day anywhere you are! hugs!
so sweet when someone you really like follows you <3 thank you Mendacia
I decide to make part of SG because I finnally had the courage to be like I always wanted to be, express my self without fears and I guess that here i can find and talk with people who has the same philosphy!
Hope to have fun and met many of you!