a fraction of a fragment of a f0rmation feels itsElf die beFore it gEts to liVe.
a segMEnt of stAsis. so CoLd. STuCK. s0 coLd so cold. so al0ne. SiCK siCk. so alone. so SCREWED.
the sUck.
the sUck subliMates itself iNto cirCumsTances of sAcrifice, swallowing itsElf inside of strUcture
aS goD made a paraDigm. anD ANOTHER. ANd ANoTHER. ANd ANOTHeR.
SkYscrApErs of sHiTheaD iDiOt m0RonS
tHe stUpid.
cRUsHING mE as they crUmblE to the gr0uNd.
DirTy dIRTY deStiny.
DaMNaTioN And dEStrUCTiON.
ToTuRE, m0TheRfUckEr.
EaT It.
g0d stUck his heAD inside a pit of fiRe fUeled bY HiS endlEss eVIL.
and sUffered for all etErnity.
a segMEnt of stAsis. so CoLd. STuCK. s0 coLd so cold. so al0ne. SiCK siCk. so alone. so SCREWED.
the sUck.
the sUck subliMates itself iNto cirCumsTances of sAcrifice, swallowing itsElf inside of strUcture
aS goD made a paraDigm. anD ANOTHER. ANd ANoTHER. ANd ANOTHeR.
SkYscrApErs of sHiTheaD iDiOt m0RonS
tHe stUpid.
cRUsHING mE as they crUmblE to the gr0uNd.
DirTy dIRTY deStiny.
DaMNaTioN And dEStrUCTiON.
ToTuRE, m0TheRfUckEr.
EaT It.
g0d stUck his heAD inside a pit of fiRe fUeled bY HiS endlEss eVIL.
and sUffered for all etErnity.
why do you have to be rude to ladies to get their attention? are you afraid that you are a ghost and they won't notice you at all. I know you didn't ask for my advice but i say you should take it easy on the caffeine and the uppers, I would like to meet you, but i'm afraid that the words you use so brilliantly on paper and screen might welt up in your throat and get stuck there in person, as it seemingly did on the phone. you never were a ghost to me.
Love, Lily