I took a course to get my driver's licence back- a 12 hour course for 4 hours a night from Wednesday to Friday. It wasn't easy to endure, and it doesn't really mean a whole lot other than having an ID again since losing my passport a month or two ago- I haven't owned a car or motorcycle in over six years. Hell, I think that's the last time I even drove at all- right into a tree at like 100 MPH after getting run off the road, putting me into a coma for a week and breaking my neck. Wait, strike that- I had a Honda Elite 150cc scooter I was driving back in 2000, but after that died it ended... well, nearly everything for me. Certainly anything regarding a social life. Or anyone in the world that gives a fuck about me, for that matter. Even worse, I had a minor wreck on that scooter back then when a truck I was behind had a sewage pipe fall off it, which hit the bike, throwing me off it and permanently breaking my ankle- and he never even bothered to even stop. Humans are worthless- and completely unaware. There is no blame, but there is a world of suffering for me. The break never healed right, and I haven't been able to run since- and anything physical like dancing is always painful.
It's a simple thing
Trying to stay afloat
The captain said
Without his boat
Some things are getting better
Other things a little worse
It's a situation
Much like a curse
"Devil's Didewalk", Neil Young
It's a simple thing
Trying to stay afloat
The captain said
Without his boat
Some things are getting better
Other things a little worse
It's a situation
Much like a curse
"Devil's Didewalk", Neil Young
Yeah I like a lot of other stuff too but metal is my favourite and its the stuff i like to play on my guitar most of all. Hmm that is strange she ignored you not that I know anything about it. maybe some people are too serious, I dont know what goes on in anyones head. i always take stuff like that to heart to but dont worry!
I may have seen that same mandlebrot video i rented one about that from the university library and it had interviews with mandlebrot himself, haha that sounds funny!

If I ever get a band then I could be behind my axe on a stage but so far I dont really know anyone to play with
Yes I love the cure, theyre really really great. have you seen that trilogy dvd? Its so good. Oh the fractal thing I saw also had stuff like fractal music and things so it was a different one! take care