How can I be so happy one day and then the next day feel like killing myself again yesterday i was all yay Prague and today i wondr why the hell i am going to go to Prague for the summer I have a hard enough time making and keeping the friendships i have here and they are all falling apart how am i going to meet people in another country when i don't speak the language and when i get back how many friends will i have left. I need to start seeing my teripist again and work on getting my head fixxed cuz i feel like this on a night went out for sushi with my best friend so i should be happy right. I don't even understand myself anymore how the hell is anyone else suposed to understand me i hope i wake up happy tommorow.
I have faith in the goodness of chicken wings. I also love sushi but sometimes you just have to have something deep fried and smothered in hot sauce.