The fact I haven't wrote on here since 2005 amazes me in itself. And I am totally sorry for any crazies who's even attempted to read my blogs.
I am madly in love. And it sucks in a major way. The situation with the man of my dreams is less than acceptable but we're being patient and taking things one day at a time. Hopefully that we'll see each other soon cause an ocean between us sucks just as much.
I've found some pretty bad ass friends. Some more amazing than others. And I've rekindled some killer relationships with a few that I shouldn't of lost to begin with. So life isn't all to bad. And the best thing of all is...
Me and My son are doing great!!!
I am madly in love. And it sucks in a major way. The situation with the man of my dreams is less than acceptable but we're being patient and taking things one day at a time. Hopefully that we'll see each other soon cause an ocean between us sucks just as much.
I've found some pretty bad ass friends. Some more amazing than others. And I've rekindled some killer relationships with a few that I shouldn't of lost to begin with. So life isn't all to bad. And the best thing of all is...
Me and My son are doing great!!!