I like the rain!
cute picture.
later... blush
Aaaaw, cute!
Just read your vices... XPN woohwooh!!
How's life treating you since your last post?
I finally made it to the Philly Tattoo Convention today. It's been so long since I've been to one, and how fucking amazing! I met the lovely Batty and picked up some info on the PennJersey SheDevils. I think I made an ass out of myself, because I'm all retarded and shy to people I don't know. I also finally decided on the artist to...
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Their butts were meant to be amusing.

I know how you feel about time. I've been wanting to start some form of something, either yoga or tai chi for ages, but 1) dont' have a lot of $, 2) don't want to drive far to go and 3) I am afraid I would always miss it because I have a crazy schedule.

Hopefully some day I'll start and have someone to go with me and make me go and then I'll be happy. Who knows?

I went to Ani last night in DE, and she was fucking amazing. Erin Mckeown opened for her, and she rocked. We had balcony seats because I got tickets late, but we had a pretty good view of the hotness. The best part about the Opera House? They let you bring your cans of Yuengling Lager to your seat with you. It warms my little...
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they let you bring lager? that's brilliant. lucky girl, though, sounds like a good gig. erin mckeown has an awesome voice. mmm, it's too bloody long since i went to a gig. i saw patti smith about a year ago, and seriously, i haven't been to a concert since. grr.

anyways, yeah, i'll be back soon enough- and likewise, although i don't know you that well, i think you're really cool.

take care of yourself

Anyone else here going to the ani show in DE tomorrow night? This is the second ani I've been to in as many months, so it's quite exciting. I'm attempting to spread the SG love by wearing my brand spankin' new SG beater. So if anyone sees a tall, bleached blond girl in an SG shirt, drinking a lager and looking around hopefully for a...
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Guess what happens in 4 hours, kids? Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! Yes, I am shuddering with excitement. Sad, but true. It amuses me to no end that there are more adults reading these books than kids. Maybe that's because they were never REALLY children's books to begin with, according to JK herself. I need to go to the wine store and get...
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yeah, its nice when life takes on fleeting, un-saccharined moments of poetry. it's nice just catching yourself in a random moment and just thinking 'you know, i'm really happy right now'

mmm, as for harry potter. i went on a late night grocery trip friday night, and all the bookstores were opening at midnight to sell the book to line after line of devoted fans, many of whom were all costumed up- it was sort of nice to see something other than drunk club-goers hanging around town at that time of night, but sort of surreal to see both groups mingling. hmm.

hope life's treating you good, take it easy smile
i think it's great that here are more adults reading the books than kids... some adults could really use a jump start to their imagination... course those are probably the ones who don't read the books, but oh well... their loss.

and you're right they aren't kids books... i look at them the same way i look at some disney movies... they are marketed to kids, but the content is more geared towards adults... well that's sorta the case anyway.
This post has been edited, because I decided it was stupid. I can do that-it's MY journal. wink
So the thing about distraction is what is the point of living if nothing comes along to remind you you're alive.
see the people sitting over there

i want to kiss and touch them everywhere

oh no, not because i really care

oh god, no , no, i wouldnt dare

love, love

id really like a small part of it

oh love

i cant believe the word love

hes had love in damp alleys

in city hall, in city libraries

we smoked it underneath the playground...
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We are most definitely bunking down like the nuclear holocaust is arriving tomorrow but certainly give us a call if you want to come hang at our pad o' delight! I'll email you the digits...you are always welcome to call upon my schizophrenic wealth of supposed insight. tongue
how pleased can one
sun setting make you
if you humble yourself
to it?
how grateful can you
really say that you are
just to be here and live
through it?
and when beauty asks a question
how often do you reply?
how often do you wonder
about life on the other side?
on the other side of sorrow
on the other side of rage...
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Gotta love To the Teeth.
She was live on The Wolrd Cafe' today.
You'll have to let us know when you're in or around the city...we don't venture too far these days...so we are easy to find.
I hung out on Saturday with an amazing person...and I hope it happens again soon. The best part about it was that it was so unexpected. Ever have that happen? You talk to this person through the machine, think they're pretty cool, blah blah, and finally have a chance to see them in the real world. (Yes, boys and girls, there is a real world...
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I don't remember us hanging
out but I appreciate all the nice
things you said about me, HA! skull
The Young Ones rule on so many levels I could not begin to name them - I used to watch them when they first came out religiously - could perhaps be one of my only true religious moments other than my devotion to Beavis and Butthead.
Glad to hear you left the ole' WC.
Let me know when youare in the city...we'll cook you a nice South Philly bbq.

(eidted because proper spacing allows for proper reading)

[Edited on Jun 24, 2005 11:01PM]
I'm hanging out with alicat, I'm hanging out with alicat! Wow, Miss Ali, it's about damn time! This only took what, 3 months of planning? confused