see the people sitting over there
i want to kiss and touch them everywhere
oh no, not because i really care
oh god, no , no, i wouldnt dare
love, love
id really like a small part of it
oh love
i cant believe the word love
hes had love in damp alleys
in city hall, in city libraries
we smoked it underneath the playground
why did i try ?
oh love
we cry so very much about it
oh love
obsessing in the night about it
oh love
id really like a small part of it
oh love, love , love
okay , thats enough of that
okay, okay now thats enough of that
im getting very tired of the facts
im getting very tired of the fact that
i must be right
oh, it must be right
thats why i'm cold and alone again
thats why im all on my own again
thats why im throwing things around my
home again
thats why
im looking for love
Love,Love,Love, by The Organ
Welcome to the new song that I'm currently obsessed with. It seems kind of apropos to my life at the moment. I wish it wasn't, but it is. Isn't that the human condition, though, to constantly be searching for love in all of its many forms? We are a species that needs contact. We are not meant to be solitary for life, no matter what all of those jaded souls say. I have as much a right to be jaded as the next fool, and yet I still find myself wanting companionship. I have been hurt and screwed over many times, and it will happen many times more, but I still can't make myself stop wanting it. I think I know why-for a few glorious moments, whether they last days, weeks, months, or years, my stomach is full of butterflies, I am hanging on their every word, the possibility of a hand brushing mine threatens to put me on overload, and there is no better high. Even if it all goes down the drain, those things still make it all worth it, every single time.
i want to kiss and touch them everywhere
oh no, not because i really care
oh god, no , no, i wouldnt dare
love, love
id really like a small part of it
oh love
i cant believe the word love
hes had love in damp alleys
in city hall, in city libraries
we smoked it underneath the playground
why did i try ?
oh love
we cry so very much about it
oh love
obsessing in the night about it
oh love
id really like a small part of it
oh love, love , love
okay , thats enough of that
okay, okay now thats enough of that
im getting very tired of the facts
im getting very tired of the fact that
i must be right
oh, it must be right
thats why i'm cold and alone again
thats why im all on my own again
thats why im throwing things around my
home again
thats why
im looking for love
Love,Love,Love, by The Organ
Welcome to the new song that I'm currently obsessed with. It seems kind of apropos to my life at the moment. I wish it wasn't, but it is. Isn't that the human condition, though, to constantly be searching for love in all of its many forms? We are a species that needs contact. We are not meant to be solitary for life, no matter what all of those jaded souls say. I have as much a right to be jaded as the next fool, and yet I still find myself wanting companionship. I have been hurt and screwed over many times, and it will happen many times more, but I still can't make myself stop wanting it. I think I know why-for a few glorious moments, whether they last days, weeks, months, or years, my stomach is full of butterflies, I am hanging on their every word, the possibility of a hand brushing mine threatens to put me on overload, and there is no better high. Even if it all goes down the drain, those things still make it all worth it, every single time.
We are most definitely bunking down like the nuclear holocaust is arriving tomorrow but certainly give us a call if you want to come hang at our pad o' delight! I'll email you the are always welcome to call upon my schizophrenic wealth of supposed insight.