Well, we went to Boston for an Easter weekend vacation. If I get around to resizing the pics to fit, I'll post some. It felt so good to be in a nice hotel, with no alarms, work, or school. Unfortunately, because my body is so used to it(and I'm an insomniac anyway), I still woke up at 7:00 in the morning. Hotel beds, no matter how nice and fluffy, are never a perfect substitute for your bed at home, you know? I just came home from school a little while ago and am drinking wine to help me sleep, so I'm not sure if this post even makes any sense. Anyway, I'll write more tomorrow, when I'm a little more sober. I'm glad we got to talk today, Ali!!
(wait, im pretty sure there are more....
perhaps half of the problem is that when i do go out the locals scare me back into the safety of my home