Hey there, kids...Yes, Wolfman, I'm finally back. I was MIA from the world of journalling for too long. What can I say? I needed a break. Well, I'm back now. When's the last time I wrote? February? DAMN. Well, in the meantime, I lost a friend, due to him doing a complete 360 and turning into someone whom I wouldn't help if I saw him bleeding on the street. I have a complete lack of feeling toward him, what you would classify as utter indifference to his existence. THE END of that.
Beth(gf) and I acquired another cat back in June. Her name is Ophelia, she's black/white, 5 1/2 months, and a royal fucking terror. Her and the dog are completely and utterly in love/lust, though. Luckily they're both fixed, so there's no humping going on. Just questionable grooming.
We went on vacation with my family at their condo rental down in Hilton Head, during the 2nd week of August. Nothing like being the only lesbians/freaks/goths/whatever down there. Also, HH is not big on feeding the vegetarians. We were basically left to appetizers or buying stuff from the Piggly Wiggly. Got a few good pics that I'll have to post. Spent most of our time down at the pool bar getting wasted, which never got old.
Saw a few good movies, Garden State and Fahrenheit 9/11 being the best of 'em.
went to a couple of shows(not as many as I'd like), the best one being Morrissey last week @ Tower Theater. What a damn good show. Our tickets were only $10 a piece, because the local non-commercial radio station was sponsoring it(and I'm a member). The best part? The bodyguards got a serious workout from all the morons jumping up on stage. One guy even got down on one knee and proposed to him. That takes guts, and I salute him! That's all I can think of for the moment, so I'll write more when I think of something.
Oh, I got glasses, because I've gotten tired of my contacts almost popping out from my allergies.
Beth(gf) and I acquired another cat back in June. Her name is Ophelia, she's black/white, 5 1/2 months, and a royal fucking terror. Her and the dog are completely and utterly in love/lust, though. Luckily they're both fixed, so there's no humping going on. Just questionable grooming.
We went on vacation with my family at their condo rental down in Hilton Head, during the 2nd week of August. Nothing like being the only lesbians/freaks/goths/whatever down there. Also, HH is not big on feeding the vegetarians. We were basically left to appetizers or buying stuff from the Piggly Wiggly. Got a few good pics that I'll have to post. Spent most of our time down at the pool bar getting wasted, which never got old.

Saw a few good movies, Garden State and Fahrenheit 9/11 being the best of 'em.
went to a couple of shows(not as many as I'd like), the best one being Morrissey last week @ Tower Theater. What a damn good show. Our tickets were only $10 a piece, because the local non-commercial radio station was sponsoring it(and I'm a member). The best part? The bodyguards got a serious workout from all the morons jumping up on stage. One guy even got down on one knee and proposed to him. That takes guts, and I salute him! That's all I can think of for the moment, so I'll write more when I think of something.
Oh, I got glasses, because I've gotten tired of my contacts almost popping out from my allergies.