Ok, people....We've been through this before: Every time you come to a derby bout, an angel gets her wings. Do you really want to deny a sweet, cherubic angel her wings? I didn't think so. So come to our derby bout, or you'll be an angel-hater. SG members of the derby team: Gadget, texappeal, Cthylla, and yours truly. Also, aragorn97, the Pimpmaster himself, will be entertaining us (along with his Dagorhir cohorts) during halftime. Come and hang out with the cool kids! Don't you want to see hot girls skating around and kicking ass? You can't possibly have anything better to do on a Sunday. 
She Devils Roller Derby!!

She Devils Roller Derby!!
In other news, I have an ear infection and swimmer's ear in my left ear. Good times. I don't like my ears. They're defective. I also don't like having to take Amoxicillin, because I get paranoid and think I'll slip into a coma if I drink. Funny, I never took issue with downing my anti-depressants and anxiety meds with alcohol. He...selective paranoia, I guess.
we are coming to your party, but i need to mapquest it again