I move next week. This is the very 1st time that I will live all by myself, instead of with a roommate or a girlfriend. It's both nervewracking and exciting at the same time. We'll see how it goes...
I was looking through the pics on my digital camera, and I found these from last week's blizzard. I'm not a photographer by any stretch of the imagination, but I like how these turned out. Kind of whimsical or something....
These are all taken in my parents' front yard. I'm so glad that I live in a land of seasons. I enjoy my summers as much as the next person, but I feel bad for people who don't experience the beauty of a snowstorm....yes, I know--it's inconvenient, it's dangerous, it makes everything dirty. I don't care. I'm overtaken by the beauty of soft flakes falling on bare branches....
I was looking through the pics on my digital camera, and I found these from last week's blizzard. I'm not a photographer by any stretch of the imagination, but I like how these turned out. Kind of whimsical or something....

These are all taken in my parents' front yard. I'm so glad that I live in a land of seasons. I enjoy my summers as much as the next person, but I feel bad for people who don't experience the beauty of a snowstorm....yes, I know--it's inconvenient, it's dangerous, it makes everything dirty. I don't care. I'm overtaken by the beauty of soft flakes falling on bare branches....

It was great seeing you last night - sorry for the delay in getting home - We wanted to see NY..