Thank you for all of the birthday wishes; they brightened an otherwise gloomy day. The Powers That Be have decided to make it super rainy and overcast here in PA.I blame Bush. I think he's behind the whole thing.
Hope everyone had a fantastic Xmas! I got to spend time with amazing people. I got so many wonderful presents, such as: World of Warcraft, lots of gift certificates, clothes, games,fantastic stuff from Beth(of course), and a brand new, spiffy webcam and headset from my lovely little sister. My poor computer's been in storage since I moved, so it's currently at Best Buy being cleaned. I've installed more RAM and a new video card in it, so watch out. Webcam=dangerous fun. WoW=zoning out. Now I'm not going to get anything done!

Hope everyone had a fantastic Xmas! I got to spend time with amazing people. I got so many wonderful presents, such as: World of Warcraft, lots of gift certificates, clothes, games,fantastic stuff from Beth(of course), and a brand new, spiffy webcam and headset from my lovely little sister. My poor computer's been in storage since I moved, so it's currently at Best Buy being cleaned. I've installed more RAM and a new video card in it, so watch out. Webcam=dangerous fun. WoW=zoning out. Now I'm not going to get anything done!

sound slike you had a great christmas and things are going good for you. glad to hear it