i had awesome plans this weekend... and they all kinda fell through. haha. not that i really care at all, because i like being a lazy ass. all the time.
on friday sandy and i went to the sports store and bought ROLLERSKATES! weeeeee. they're so awesome. we wanna go out and skate, but living in phoenix is a major drag when it comes to doing ANYTHING outside. and going to great skate with a bunch of 12 year olds doesn't seem quite that appealing either. we bought pink laces, but they were too short. and we're also gonna buy pink wheels.
this is my last weekend of illegal drinking, so i was gonna make a point of it. but nope. i started drinking last night and felt like ass. so i stopped.
i can't believe it's 5 already. we were gonna have a barbeque and make octodogs. but that's not gonna happen now either. bummer.
i decided to ditch out on getting my masters RIGHT NOW. classes would start this week, i'd have to miss part of girl scout camp, and i wouldn't be able to see gravy train. not good. so instead i'm gonna go back in september. or maybe put it off again when september comes.
anyway i'm off to do some reading.
on friday sandy and i went to the sports store and bought ROLLERSKATES! weeeeee. they're so awesome. we wanna go out and skate, but living in phoenix is a major drag when it comes to doing ANYTHING outside. and going to great skate with a bunch of 12 year olds doesn't seem quite that appealing either. we bought pink laces, but they were too short. and we're also gonna buy pink wheels.
this is my last weekend of illegal drinking, so i was gonna make a point of it. but nope. i started drinking last night and felt like ass. so i stopped.
i can't believe it's 5 already. we were gonna have a barbeque and make octodogs. but that's not gonna happen now either. bummer.
i decided to ditch out on getting my masters RIGHT NOW. classes would start this week, i'd have to miss part of girl scout camp, and i wouldn't be able to see gravy train. not good. so instead i'm gonna go back in september. or maybe put it off again when september comes.
anyway i'm off to do some reading.

Happy 21st!!!

he precious