from yesterday:
horrible movie update #2: godsend.
do NOT see this movie. i thought it had the potential to actually be a pretty good flick... but no. not at all. gah. that's $17 that has been wasted on shitty movies in the past few days. bleugh.
so this morning i went in to work. on a saturday, yes. that's 2 weeks in a ROW. woooo. but yeah, like last weekend, i only ended up staying like 3 hours. but 3 hours of OT, so no worries.
went to islands with sandy to eat & had a veggie burger. drove home, heard a loud noise on the freeway, get home & one of my back tires was punctured. one of my new tires at that. fucking typical. so mon i have to go get that fixed before work. bleugh... my mum and i went out and changed my tire to my spare. well, let me rephrase that: my MUM changed my tire and i kinda just watched cuz i'm a typical girl and i can't do these things. haha.
so while we were changing my tire, my mum goes "why can't you just be a NORMAL girl and get married so that your husband can do these things? most girls your age are already married and moved out. only boys live at home when they're 20." BWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA. so i shot with my defense of "i'm not getting married, remember?". my mum's hilarious. she cracks me up...
i'm feeding my rats dried banana chips... they love em. this morning i fed them chocolate chip cookies, and yesterday it was saltines. i know it's probably not healthy, but they love it, and rat food can't taste too good. i give em a little bit of that too, but they prefer the other stuff.
my mum's "girl scouts gone wild" shirt came today. she loved it... but she didn't get the joke. i had to explain to her about the 'girls gone wild' videos... she laughed... but i don't think it was as funny as it could have been. she's convinced that she's gonna wear it to her next leaders meeting... the crazy twirp.
from today:
my mum bought this cola drink and it tastes identical to cola flavoured ice-pops. (the superman ones that we used to buy at the newsagents for 10p when i was little). FANTASTIC. hehe...
i'm HUNGGGRRYYY but all i can find to eat that is remotely tasty is carrots. blah. i would go somwhere to get food, but knowing my luck, my spare tire would fall off or something. hah.
i don't think i ever updated on how my appt with the stomach doctor went. well, it went pretty good. FAR better than i expected, for sure. the doctor is really nice. female. and young. she actually LISTENED to me, rather than butt in every five seconds when i was explaining what was wrong, and she actually seemed like she had quite a good answer... as opposed to telling me that i'm just depressed. haha. so anyway... everything i've been sick with lately (including the fatigue & barfing) can supposedly be related to my previous stomach problems and such. she put me on some medicine that i have to take for a month. if that works, then basically i take that for the rest of my life, or as long as i need it. as she said in her own words, "THE ONLY BAD THING IS THAT THIS IS A TREATMENT AND NOT A CURE." but if it helps, i won't mind taking it. it's taking a pill that does NOTHING for the rest of my life that i'd be opposed to. anywho's... next appt is on june 16th. we'll see how that goes.
for now i'm gonna go be a bum... and clean, or something.
and a few pics of me and sandy from cali make the day:
hollywood: day 1
coachella: day 2
san diego : day 3
horrible movie update #2: godsend.
do NOT see this movie. i thought it had the potential to actually be a pretty good flick... but no. not at all. gah. that's $17 that has been wasted on shitty movies in the past few days. bleugh.
so this morning i went in to work. on a saturday, yes. that's 2 weeks in a ROW. woooo. but yeah, like last weekend, i only ended up staying like 3 hours. but 3 hours of OT, so no worries.
went to islands with sandy to eat & had a veggie burger. drove home, heard a loud noise on the freeway, get home & one of my back tires was punctured. one of my new tires at that. fucking typical. so mon i have to go get that fixed before work. bleugh... my mum and i went out and changed my tire to my spare. well, let me rephrase that: my MUM changed my tire and i kinda just watched cuz i'm a typical girl and i can't do these things. haha.
so while we were changing my tire, my mum goes "why can't you just be a NORMAL girl and get married so that your husband can do these things? most girls your age are already married and moved out. only boys live at home when they're 20." BWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA. so i shot with my defense of "i'm not getting married, remember?". my mum's hilarious. she cracks me up...
i'm feeding my rats dried banana chips... they love em. this morning i fed them chocolate chip cookies, and yesterday it was saltines. i know it's probably not healthy, but they love it, and rat food can't taste too good. i give em a little bit of that too, but they prefer the other stuff.
my mum's "girl scouts gone wild" shirt came today. she loved it... but she didn't get the joke. i had to explain to her about the 'girls gone wild' videos... she laughed... but i don't think it was as funny as it could have been. she's convinced that she's gonna wear it to her next leaders meeting... the crazy twirp.
from today:
my mum bought this cola drink and it tastes identical to cola flavoured ice-pops. (the superman ones that we used to buy at the newsagents for 10p when i was little). FANTASTIC. hehe...
i'm HUNGGGRRYYY but all i can find to eat that is remotely tasty is carrots. blah. i would go somwhere to get food, but knowing my luck, my spare tire would fall off or something. hah.
i don't think i ever updated on how my appt with the stomach doctor went. well, it went pretty good. FAR better than i expected, for sure. the doctor is really nice. female. and young. she actually LISTENED to me, rather than butt in every five seconds when i was explaining what was wrong, and she actually seemed like she had quite a good answer... as opposed to telling me that i'm just depressed. haha. so anyway... everything i've been sick with lately (including the fatigue & barfing) can supposedly be related to my previous stomach problems and such. she put me on some medicine that i have to take for a month. if that works, then basically i take that for the rest of my life, or as long as i need it. as she said in her own words, "THE ONLY BAD THING IS THAT THIS IS A TREATMENT AND NOT A CURE." but if it helps, i won't mind taking it. it's taking a pill that does NOTHING for the rest of my life that i'd be opposed to. anywho's... next appt is on june 16th. we'll see how that goes.
for now i'm gonna go be a bum... and clean, or something.

and a few pics of me and sandy from cali make the day:

hollywood: day 1

coachella: day 2

san diego : day 3
I have to agree, Godsend sucks...Oh and Dita Von Teese rules!