I'm getting damned good at getting hurt again. In the past week I've worked my lower back, pulled a muscle in my neck, and now I'm idling on the couch with my heating pad on my shoulder I tweaked on Tuesday. Ugh. Being old and bailing on my sk8 sucks.

On top of that, I was all ready to chill for the evening and hack...
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You'r all broken up and me with pneumonia Now arn't we just a fine pair wink kiss

[Edited on Mar 04, 2004 4:31PM]
I had a pretty kick ass weekend. Saw the suicide girls burlesque deally on Friday night. I thought it was hella funny when they started squirting chocolate all over the audience. My gf totally harrassed Mr. Satan too which I found particularly amusing from afar. Poor guy. Teach him not to respond to my girlie. Speaking of, she's in Chicago. I miss her. Sunday is...
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Welcome to SGSeattle!
that looks like Cecil's up in couver?

dude, saw your bachelor pic at snowboard seattle... pretty bad ass...

funny thing? i went off that same kicker sunday... located in the chutes off rainbow?? sunday killed it... hiked the cindercone.. bad ass.
Valentines Was Increadably Speical!
Far More So Than this Girls Heart could of ever Have Drempt Up~
I Am Forever Blessed!

[Edited on Feb 18, 2004 9:06PM]
AHHH yeah. Going on a long weekend to Mt. Bachelor Oregon for my girlys birthday tommorow. I'm psyched to get out of town and into the snowy hills for a few days. I heart Oregon. love
And what an increadable birthday it was~Thank you Bubbawink
I hate Tuesdays. If there's any day of the week I'll get bummed out for no apparent reason it's Tuesday. Must have something to do with my mental cycle. Yesterday I was totally manic, stoked on life in general and I must have burned all the fun out of my head. Ugh.

Anyways some cool shit has happened lately, but I don't really feel like...
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So much for staying off the sauce. It's Saturday and I've already kicked back a few beers. Thee weekend nights at home is too much for me.

Attempted to go skate Bainbridge today. Fucking rain snuck in right after Todd and Ed had squeegeed the park dry. So in true NW skater style, we kicked back a few beers till we decieded that rain wasn't...
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"So much for staying off the sauce" & Bring on the nasty" Oh Yeah Curse me why don't you frown Havent you learned
"Be Carfull of what you ask for"... confused
Still had fun though~ surreal
kiss Me.
Okay ever since New Years I've been getting hella bad blackouts. I think it's time to lay off the sauce for a while.

Speaking of New Years, it was pretty damn fun. Tracy and I decieded to keep it on the mellow and hang out with her friend Janice and her bf Chris watching their spanking new 64" inch HDTV and kicking back some cocktails....
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Ok This would be The time that Having a "Deleat" option on comments Would be nice. eeek
Dork! No more crappy drunk sex for you.
Xmas vacation was a blast but I'm really glad its over actually. To much shit happened to put into one journal entry. Spent a week down at Mt. Bachelor which kicked ass. Got six days of riding in, most days 6+ inches of light and fluffy pow. I almost landed a frontside rodeo. Stoked. That was till I tried it again and landed on my...
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must have just missed you at Bachelor.. we were there the week after, for new years.. pretty sick all the way around. i'm taking it you hit Stars? biggrin

have you been riding the Alpy backcountry yet? we haven't hit it yet this season, to be honest, i don't have a lot of experience back there, more of a Crystal northback guy historically, but hoping to poach more than a few lines this season with the pass.. just wondering if the snowpack has settled yet?
i like your hair
What a great weekend. Friday night was a blast, my I guess you could call it a "date" went really well. So well that 7:30 became midnight in no time and I totally blew off my friends bbq. She's pretty awesome.

Messed with the hot rod some on friday after work too. Looks like the radiator is leaking or something, cause it's loosing fluid way...
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Could be your freeze plugs.
I got the go ahead to walk finally. My ankle is definately hating it. I'm pretty sore and I'm still using crutches. It's gonna be a slow process for sure.

I got my hot rod back from the shop. Some stuff is much improved, others not. I drove her into Seattle to have a beer with some friends tonight and she got really hot and...
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