There aren't words grimey enough to describe how I feel right now
. The party went on till 6AM. It was cool 'cuz i got to see some people that I hadn't seen in awhile. We didn't get a keg but did manage to go through 148 bottles of beer, a 1.75 jug of Chivas, a bottle of Captain and a bottle of Parrot Bay. The shot girl doubled as crazy lameo dj girl and got plowed like a farmer on the couch while evryone partied around 'em. My cousin got into a fight with his brother (a martial arts instructor) and somebodies head met the oven door. The same shit stain tried to tell a lesbian how to be a proper lesbian. All in all, it made for good times. I'm off to
now, so I'll spit atcha' l8r.

haha. I 'm not up to too much. Just chillin.
