Hello all. I'm just writing because, well, my life is rather borind and also to tell you I got another tattoo last night. Woo-friggin'-whoo! Yeah I stopped by my friends house last night and he was setting up for someone who was coming over later and I was like "dude, what about me?". So I sat in the chair for all of about 4 minutes and walked away with a sexy new F.T.W. tat on the inside of my lip. I realize they don't last long there but he's a good friend and will keep doing it until I get tired of it. So yeah, that's about it. After that, I drove home, got drunk, passed out and woke up with a kickass headache. So I'm munchin' a sammich from Dickie Me's and waiting for the rest of the world to wake up and play. L8r
Easy, easy. It's the only thing around here that serves breakfast. I told you already, Deltona is light years behind!
