My cousin from Germany is in town. HOLY SHIT can that girl drink! I thought I could toss 'em back but she walks in the door says hello and comes straight over to the bar and tells me to pour 2 shots of tequila, then goes to the fridge and grabs us all a round of beers. I sat and watched in amazement when she went round for round with me untill both cases of beer were gone. I started feelin' a little buzzed by this point but grabbed another 12 and 24 pack and kept going untill I literally passed out. She kept goin' AND woke up to go shopping today with no hangover! Anywho, she lives in an old factory in Germany that was converted into a house and told me to come over 'cuz tickets were only $250 and I could bring as many people as I wanted and stay for free, plus she has a tatt artist that comes over and does work for free. Woo-hoo! Anybody interested in a trip to Frankfurt?