I'm also the most confused.

Again let me explain... For the longest time I've wanted to move to the UK, but me not wanting to leave what i've worked so hard to obtain here is holding me back and everybody says you only live once just go for it. Well I want to but I need someone or something to bring me there but I...
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I'm the slowest person alive....

Let me explain back when I joined one of the first suicide girls I wandered upon was Brite shes amazingly beautiful and I couldn't get enough of her... And in an effort to really do something on this website I let her know how I felt telling her she was my first true favorite SG and then some time passed...
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just read my testimonials .. and saw you had written one.. and then traced down this blog.. this is so sweet
So I don't know where to begin really this is my first post on here and im horrible at these kind of things. Im really suprised that a couple people added me as friends and I'd love to talk to them more and become better friends and also if you look at my profile you can see im not an attention whore or somebody that...
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Hope your good!

You need to talk to me more smile
awww, no you dont gotta!
Just saying happy birthday was more than enough thankyou!

Its been totally raining here so I havent been able to go out and spend all my money for fear of drowning in the rain...but today its dry so I'm off on the biggest shopping spree!

Hows You?
