Nothing to new to report really, the whole clothing thing is going a lot slower than I wanted but thats also partailly my fault in not keeping up with it.. But really its a lot more personal things that are holding me back more than anything nothing of which I feel like getting into detail right now but I will in the coming days when...
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I have a job interview tomorrow

Its still within my store but its a position that will make me happier because I would be back in the warehouse and I prefer being back there so much more than up front doing loss prevention, the only thing that sucks about it is I had to make a 30/60/90 day review of myself like what I want...
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I really can't stand myself sometimes...

I mean seriously I work with this girl and I really like her I mean shes not the type of girl I usually go for shes more of a tom-boy but still we have a connection but since im horrible with girls I create awkward moments to destroy the situation and let it end right there but I've been...
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well, maybe try something less direct then. if you're not into confrontation [like me, lol. i hate confronting people in any way!] send her flowers with a cute note. or leave her a card a work. something cutsey like that... chicks dig that stuff, lol.
hey, what your decribing is exactly what got me and by bf together, that ackward humorous moment... anyhow, just be yourself (cheesy as it is) your just perfect, and that body....mmmm... I mean yea. thats all im going to say blush
Serious question....

Is it so bad to really be crushing over a suicide girl whom you have never meet, but lives in a place you once called home and now looking back you wish you came out of your shell earlier and tried to have found them earlier or am I just a crazy bastard who is going through the normal phases of being a...
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My birthday was alright, I ended up working on my birthday because I really didn't have anything better to do, Well let me rephrase that I woke up on saturday went over to my friends house and suprised her with a couple of gifts and then we had breakfast and I went home and then to work so I guess I did do something for...
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poor baby!! Happy late birthday! ttyl
oh THANKS for the testimonial...
My birthday is looming ever closer and the only thing I can think of doing to celebrate it is suprise my friend with an early birthday present because I work on her birthday,,, Is that like a way of not committing to my birthday? This whole birthday shit just really pisses me off because I obviously care less about myself than my friends since im...
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happy birthday! biggrin tongue
Happy birthday, dear! kiss
So I've been having really odd dreams lately like 28 days later dreams where everybody just goes apeshit and all that good stuff, and normally i'd put it in the back of my mind but i have deja vu a shit ton every month and I know that 28 days later is a far leap from normality but bio warfare is a real possibility in...
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lol, i read your giberish. and i don't do scary movies. real llife is scary enough, lol.
So I put up a new set of photos, well only 4 photos but since im not used to taking those kind of pictures you will have to bear with me until I do more plus my webcam apparently likes to be fuzzy now what the hell is up with that? Anyway go look at the pictures please thanks.
So my birthday is coming up... Wooooo NOT. Honestly im really not that excited about it, I guess I really should focus on the positives over the negatives but I really can't, There's nothing I really want, no one to spend it with seriously my friend at worked asked me what I was going to do for it and my honest answer was sit around...
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you should take yourself out to dinner or something. or buy a new dvd to watch. make some popcorn and veg out smile
you rock!!!
OMG Arlington Heights